They may say flock, but they're more like family! :)

I have the same coop that's inside the black fence for my chickens to
Family for sure!

Lol I was raised with both egg and meat chickens and as a child and watching my grandpa behead them-I grew sympathetic for them and now that I'm older, I could never harm my chickens. So yeah, they're for eggs, but they're cared for just as the family is. :) Love to pet them, talk to them, and hold them, just like with my dogs and rabbit. Lol Almost could call it here a mini farm. :D (Since I live in the middle of a neighborhood on 2 lots and stand out, especially when I have the chickens out to run around.) Lol Some people walking their dogs down the road have taken double looks when they look down the drive. Especially when Queenie is following me around! Lol!
I have the same coop that's inside the black fence for my chickens to

It really works awesome! Just now that we have snow on the ground, I don't let them out much. But scratching isn't as fun in the snow probably, so all good. Hoping to get the bigger coop done soon, so that they'll have a bit more room to stretch their little legs. :D
How often do your girls lay eggs? And have you noticed one breed doing better? I want to find breeds that are friendly and high egg producers

I get between 2-4 eggs a day. But now that winter is pretty much here, I've been getting 1-2 eggs a day. I KNOW one of my Ameraucanas (Queenie) is laying and I'm pretty sure one of my Orpingtons is laying. I got my chickens as babies last spring, but with the Michigan weather, I'm unsure if the Australorps laying took off much... And the last other two may be laying too, but I cannot confirm that. I'm used to getting one blue egg and one brown egg a day. So I know my one Ameraucana who goes into the coop at a certain time to lay everyday is laying, but the other 4 who lay brown eggs-I can only guess it's the one Orpington who goes into the coop during the day like the Ameraucana. But also with friendliness, yes, the Ameraucanas and Orpingtons are the friendliest. Australorps are shy, so they aren't so trusting. But Queenie will actually follow me around the yard, let me pick her up and pet her whenever. And the Orpingtons will let me pet them sometimes too. But I guess too that depends on the pecking order... Queenie of course, is the top chicken, then an Orpington, and the Australorps tie for middle ground, and the second Orpington comes in 5th, and lastly is Rufus, my second Ameraucana. When the chickens are out together, ONLY Queenie is friendly. Once Queenie is outta sight, I believe the 2nd chicken up to bat, the one Orpington, becomes friendly-for Queenie isn't the head honcho, at least in sight. And after that, the Australorps are shyer than shy and the two at the bottom are weary if they should be near me, as if Queenie is gonna stalk them after. So the pecking order can mold their personalities, I think. I really hope this helps. Pretty new to all this. :) But point made, I think the Ameraucanas and Orpingtons fit both friendly and higher egg producers.
How old are your chickens? When mine are dust bathing, they only let me get so close. Lol I find it cute, he's in the dust hole with them. :) And sorry with such a late reply. I haven't been on here in months...

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