They started laying last month and their eggs are still pretty small?


May 13, 2010
New Hampshire
Will they get bigger?

The mothers (we hatched them from eggs here at home) were 2 NH Reds and 2 RI Reds, and they've all laid big brown eggs. There are 5 young hens, one of which is laying green eggs, but the eggs are only half the size of their mothers' eggs. The rooster was a cross, basically an Easter Egger, but he was not a small guy, he was pretty big.

Just wondering if I can expect large eggs out of these girls, or if I'll be stuck with small (medium) eggs forever. I don't remember the 4 mother hens' eggs ever being small.
I would give them more time. Even my RIRs were a year old before they started laying eggs that could be considered large. If you don't start seeing an increase in size in a few months, then you may just have some medium-layers on your hands.

Aren't green eggs worth it, no matter what the size?

Good luck with them!
They will get bigger, it just takes time. My almost 2 year old EE lays a good size egg............well, when she's laying she does, right now she's not laying squat since she's molting.
They will get bigger. I'm going through the stage of very soft shells from two of our new layers. Even though they have oyster shell and layer food. Sometimes it just takes a while before they get up to par.
Thank you for the replies! Glad to know they'll most likely get bigger. Altho there's nothing wrong with medium eggs. But there's nothing prettier than a huge smooth fresh egg either.
They will increase in size, but depending upon the breeds in the father they may never become as large as those from your older hens.

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