They won't be quiet- Loud , VERY LOUD constant peeping 24/7


Chicken Storyteller
11 Years
May 20, 2008
I have six babies that are 2 weeks old in the spare bedroom. At first, they picked on each other a LOT. So the peeps and screams I heard were justified. They stopped picking on each other , but they haven't stopped the loud- VERY LOUD peeping.
I've had chicks before and have never been so unnerved by the loud peeping. They peep all night long, and I can still hear them through a closed door. I'm in the living room now, and can hear them peeping over the loud traffic and the hubby mowing the lawn.

They get clean fresh water and fresh food everyday- the medicated starter food. They eat well, and their poops look good.( well, as good as poop can look). They are in a brooder ( deck box) that is 2x5 feet, so there is plenty of room. I have tried moving the heat lamp closer, thinking they were too cold. I tried moving it further thinking they were too hot. Nothing works. They just stand there and peep. Other than the peeping, they seem healthy.
What coud this be?
What breed?

Where did you get them? Did you hatch, or were they from a hatchery?

Do you know what your brooder temp is?

Are they out of drafts or other possible sources of discomfort?
At night, can they be in complete darkness? I can't think of any bird that makes noise at night, save for predators such as owls.

These are my Texas babies from skand and the1much. They shipped me eggs from their flock, and I hatched them. ( Well, I watched them hatch). I have 1 buff orp, 2 mutts, 1 that might be an EE , and another that is a mystery. The brooder is a rubbermaid deck box- no chance of drafts, and they are in a heated room. I have tried 90 degree temps under the light, and 80. They have plenty of room to go to a warmer or cooler spot. They arent huddling or shivering.
It's usually because they are too cold or too hot-- do you have a thermometer to check on the temp?
and did you make sure to dip each baby's beak in the water when putting them in the brooder?
and yes, make sure no drafts are getting to them, -- I leave the heat lamp/light source on all the time, they sleep
fine with it on-- and make sure they aren't crowding into a corner--

well that's a few things anyway, good luck!
Can you get them outside for some run around and fresh air and sunshine?
Just like kids it wears them out and they sleep like rocks. We have a porta-pen we use.
Have you tried holding them and comforting them each individually? I know that my girls seem to enjoy lots of 'mom time' and are more quiet and soothed afterward. Just a thought!
They yeep because they are not happy. Usually because they are too hot or too cold. Do they bunch under the light or are they huddled as far as they can get from it? Do they have enough space? We use a red heat lamp rather than a clear one.
have you tried the feather duster trick?
Others have suggested getting an ostrich feather duster at Walmart and hanging it upside down for them to nestle into.
Might work

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