They're HaTcHiNg !! PIC HEAVY !!!

I'm not sure. I hatched a couple Blue Maran eggs, and I have blue in my flock as well. My blue roos are BLRW and Blue Orpington .... I also have some blue gals so anything is possible as my flock is mixed together at this time.

But they sure are pretty !!!!

Julie, I am so proud of you, I have tears in my eyes. I have a bater set up on the dresser in my bedroom. We go to sleep to the gentle humming of the fan. My brother just left,he had brought me a b-day present(my b-day was 1-30). He gave me 4 50# bags of chicken feed. I swapped eggs with someone on the board and they arrived,when? On my B-Day,of course!
Happy Belated Birthday !!!!

Four bags of feed is a good present anyday !!! What kind of eggs did you swap for ???

Wait till the end of your incubating, you won't be able to sleep hearing all those peeps and

I bought eggs for Cream Brabanters last spring... none hatched. of the six I got. As I recall I only ended up with blood rings early on in incubation.

These are the breeds I bought eggs for / had in the incubator this time around

Blue Maran ..
Gold cuckoo maran ..
cajun eggs....
black maran ..
mottled orp....
buff orp....

eggs from MY flock which is mixed together at this time...... I have the following hens light brahma, chanteclers, buff orps, australorps, cochins, blrw, EE's, along with silkies and a faverolle.

My roos are Blue orpington, BLRW, and Cochin (just the standard boys)... I do have faverolle and silkie roos in the bantys.

In the long run it won't matter to me what they are... well thats not completely true, I am hoping for

Well apparently the silver chicks with the buff colored faces are a result of breeding my Blue Orpington Roo with my Buff Orpington hens...

and now we


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