They're mutts but they're MY mutts and I like them

Just because they came from a hatchery that doesn't make 'em mutts. Just makes 'em chickens....scratch in the dirt , lay and egg or two, eat some bugs chickens. Pretty much the same thing any chicken does. Y'know none of the chickens give a hoot where they hatched. Enjoy 'em ...May 2nd I have 18 proudly coming from a hatchery.
Yep, I have a brooder full of hatchery chicks myself right now. I
them just as much as I
all my other chickens!
Once they're mine, I don't give a hoot where they came from!

Note: Obviously, I am not a breeder. My egg customers enjoy the mixed lot of eggs that I sell, and I love selling them like that! Enjoy!

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