I am a new chicken mama and I have 8 5 month old pullets of various breeds I have had so many problems since they started laying I'm at my wits end I don't know what to do. Problem #1 I have 1 that has layed at least a dozen soft eggs mostly at night some while walking around outside. I took her to an avian vet and she was on antibiotics and tums for 2 weeks did get better for about 2 weeks and now has another soft egg. #2 I have had 1 chicken prolapse with her first and second egg and had to give her medication to shut her down for awhile. #3 I had yet another chicken lay soft shelled eggs twice gave her tums and she did well for about 2 weeks and now she has 2 soft eggs one right after the other on the same day as the first. #4 another chicken layed a soft egg for her first egg no eggs since been about 4 days ago. #5 another chicken layed a normal egg for her first then about a week later layed 2 soft eggs overnight. Over half of my girls have had problems they have been eating Dumor feed at the appropriate life stage and they have been getting no snacks beyond a handful of scratch to get them in the coop at night and whatever they eat free ranging. They have oyster shell available at all times and mixed in their feed. I just purchased a different brand of feed and I'm mixing that in to transition them to Nutrena naturewise layer to see if they do better. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? What did you do or recommend doing to resolve the issue? I am willing to do whatever these are my babies.