Things I just don't get

One more thing I don't get, battery powered salt grinders, if you are using so much salt your arm gets tired from grinding, you need to fix your diet. (I do understand for a pepper mill if you are disabled and like freshly ground pepper)
My sentiments exactly!!!!!!!
I don't "get" why there has to be Braille directions at banks' drive up teller windows. C'mon! I know ADA requires it for businesses when there is new construction or renovation at public access facilities, but let's agree it is highly unlikely for an un-sighted person to utilize the drive up window!

And I like ALL parts of brownies. Especially their little green diagonal sashes, although the pins do get caught in my snaggly old wolf teeth... Oh. Wait. Wrong kinda brownies. Sorry.
I never met a brownie I didn't love, but I start at the center and work my way out.

Anderson8505, I don't get that either!

Carols Clucks...battery operated salt grinders??? By Ronco? The company famous for obscure appliances?
I like the crispy corners on brownies so much that I usually leave them in the oven for an extra 10 minutes. The Big Guy says I don't need brownies, I need Biscotti. He may be on to something!
Brownies!! I get it!!

In my little town my bank only has 1 atm and it is a drive thru... But since I don't have a car, it's a walk up! If I were sight challenged, I think I'd appreciate the braille.

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