Things just got much worse...see pg 3.



Well, just when I had come to terms with our situation, something even more terrible has happened. My DH came home this morning with his unemployment paperwork...he's been laid off from work.

The thought of this happening has been weighing heavily on my mind lately...we feared that this was going to happen. From what he was told, this layoff is going to last a while.

I'm more worried about my DH than I am the repercussions of this layoff. He takes it very hard when he's not able to provide for us. It's not his fault, but it's hard convincing him that everything happens for a reason and this is out of our hands. Someone much wiser knows what is in store for us.

There's some other things happening within the extended family as makes me wonder if His plan for us is to move back to Tennessee where we met, and where I'm from? Only time will tell.

As my dear friend Miss_Jayne tells me...when He closes one door, He also opens another. That's not verbatim how she says it, but you get the point.
((((hugs)))) Hon, everything will be okay. You have the King of Kings on your side! Turn your eyes to Him.

I don't know if you want to move or not or if that is an option but here is a link to AEP. Click the careers link and have your your hubby fill out an online application if there is anything he is interested in. They are a good company. They have plants in numerous states and some railroad and river positions as well. I hope this helps. And I'll be praying for you and your family.
to you and prayers as well. I'm so sorry this has happend, we're going through a similiar scare here ourselves, have been for a few months, never know from day to day if DH has a job or not. Every time he calls I wonder is this day the he tells me "honey, I'm out of a job" and we lose everything we worked so hard for?

Hang in there sweetie - and that Miss Jayne sure does have some sage advice and wisdom doesnt she?
God Bless her 10 fold...
Yeah, we just went through the same thing in February. My partner lost his job in January as an office manager making good money. He is now working at a gas station because it was a paycheck and health insurance. I told him to take would he could get as quick as possible, as there wasn't any room to be picky these days.
i just received this from my sister last night.....i really think she's speaking to you!

Last year I didn't get any income due to my back problem....was unable to work....finally had to retire and collect my pension....which is very small and took alot of paperwork before I collected any of my first check in Dec. This time taught me so much....I learned to truly trust God for everything.....and He does needs were always different ways, but I knew to wait for what I needed and He provided. It was one of my best years my time of trouble....I grew. I am so thankful for that time."

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