Things you wish you could say

Are these floofballs abnormally vicious?
They have a very real "achellies heel"; their skull is Mal-formed to be this breed. As such a single peck can supposedly cause brain damage death in them. I had one that had the visible scratch pack of a single "peck" just above the beak & between the eyes with a tiny bubble of dried blood, it started to show wry neck symptoms that evening and died ~48 hrs or less later.
They have a very real "achellies heel"; their skull is Mal-formed to be this breed. As such a single peck can supposedly cause brain damage death in them. I had one that had the visible scratch pack of a single "peck" just above the beak & between the eyes with a tiny bubble of dried blood, it started to show wry neck symptoms that evening and died ~48 hrs or less later.
Gotcha. Definitely wouldn't go well with my bar rocks. Head pecks, I have come to think,are their good morning ritual.
🙋‍♂️ May I acknowledge something that might very likely be seen as hypocrisy?

One of my degrees is Tech Theatre.
I can and do appreciate the artwork & effort that goes into the skills of "make-up" for productions, *work* or for *play*. Just as a tattoo is just as subjective as beauty or exquisite art work; what with color fades, shading, & accents.

My Better-half has always been a practioner of natural beauty and when she has chosen to use "make up"; less is more has always seemed to be her method. Of course I'm bias... She has known me for saying her natural beauty I love ... as do I, her "morning bed head."

Teaching our girls this and simoltaniously allowing them to experiment and play with "make up" sometimes.... Does (in my mind) remove the "forbidden fruit" elements of make-up for them in the long run.
I have no problem with people who want to wear makeup. I do makeup for Hallowe'en sometimes, and there is a place for it. I just resent the implication that a woman can't be pretty without it, or that a guy is effeminate if he wears it. I've seen some really hot guys in makeup.
Regarding the makeup issue... I think a lot of my attitude came from my older sister who definitely did it with a heavy hand. I thought it looked soooo fake, I was biased from about age 9.

Several years later, my mom said that the lighting in the bathroom where my sister put on her makeup was terrible. No wonder sis put on so much. My mom said she had wondered if sis was a little bit blind.

Still can't stand how it feels on my skin, however. Luckily, I'm old enough that I can say, ah, the hell with it. I'll let my inner beauty shine instead.
I gave you an angry reaction. I do that a lot. Stop acting like it's the end of the word and everyone is out to get you. Also locking your thread because of a single angry reaction is really petty. I even specified I was joking. :)
I don't even look at the reactions my posts get, let alone get bent out of shape for them. Another thread just got closed because the OP thought they were being made fun of for a laugh reaction
I don't even look at the reactions my posts get, let alone get bent out of shape for them. Another thread just got closed because the OP thought they were being made fun of for a laugh reaction
Wow.... I feel like if you're getting offended over some stupid emoji that shows more about you, then the person who gave said reaction.

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