Things you wish you could say

Misinformation is worse than no information.

True intelligence is knowing your limitations.
Unfortunately today, the problem seems to be, My 'information' is YOUR propaganda and lies. Sometimes also, there are more than one correct answer to a question, or it's a complicated answer.
People IMO have become intellectually lazy, they want digital answers in an analog world.

I am correct, YOU are an idiot, and now I am going to explain why you are an idiot... is the fakebook and twatter approach rather than, I don't quite agree with that, let'sdiscuss this and see what we come up with.

Also, how can you know your limitations until you reach them, or try to pass them and fail, and if everyone just stopped at their limitations, we'd still be living in caves.

I'll give you permission to disagree with that, im in a good mood :D :p :😉:


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