Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

When I got my first batch of chicks, even after reading every book my library had, and lots of content on this site, I did not know about cecal droppings, and I kept thinking my chicks had coccidiosis. The illustrated poop chart I found on this site solved that problem - very useful to have!

@AC77 omg thank you! I was preparing to initiate quarantine protocol!

@potato chip My research on the Isa Browns pretty much stopped at "good egg layer, 4-6 a week large brown eggs; docile, friendly, makes great pets, loves to cuddle". I'm not sure if it's something extremely common with red sex link chickens, but after reading through several posts it makes me wonder if I might have gotten "breedist" chickens :th
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@potato chip My research on the Isa Browns pretty much stopped at "good egg layer, 4-6 a week large brown eggs; docile, friendly, makes great pets, loves to cuddle". I'm not sure if it's something extremely common with red sex link chickens,
I think isa browns are known as "meanies" (which is not to say that I knew that) When I got my little girls, the chook farm lady rolled her eyes like it wasn't gonna happen, when I said I already had isa browns. I gave up trying to integrate the new girls with my other girls.
1. Traditional ways of doing things (here in Africa) are not always the best
2. Deep litter means no daily cleaning of poo!
3. Take any advice one reads here on BYC (or anywhere, for that matter) with the knowledge that doing what works best for you and your flock is the most important
4. Be positive about the mistakes you make - just don't let them happen again!

Learning the very hard way that predator protection is serious business! Being lucky at first before getting serious about biosecurity. No more production reds in any form! How beautiful and entertaining chickens can be, and how there's never enough room for all the interesting varieties! Mary
Really like your last point - remain positive and don't fret about mistakes. Thanks!
Learning the very hard way that predator protection is serious business! Being lucky at first before getting serious about biosecurity. No more production reds in any form! How beautiful and entertaining chickens can be, and how there's never enough room for all the interesting varieties! Mary
Mary, this is really good input. Fortunately, we haven't had a predator issue, as my wife is of the notion "why use one layer of protection when two will do?" :)

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