Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

Good point! And if you do build, use treated wood for the bottom plate of the walls because it will get wet and it will get pooped on. There are plenty of free shed plans on the web that can easily be adapted to be a coop.

And if at all possible, have a coop you can stand up in or otherwise be able to stand up while cleaning. It gets really wearisome really fast when you have to bend over and hunch down to clean the coop.

I wear my CHICKEN CLEANING CLOTHES, which is clothes you don't care to get chicken poop on, and gloves, then I get on my hands and knees to clean my coop. But what works for me might not work for anyone else.
Chickens should be given all theroom you can give them, because- well, they just deserve to not live in cramped, 'O.K.' conditions.

Chickens are a lot stronger than they look and often don't need as much worrying over as they get. Not that they mind. ;)

Get the coop at least mostly done before you get the chicks.

Don't buy chicks from places where the employees don't care. Things get mislabled. Like 'straight run' and 'sexed pullets'. Established, local buisnesses are usually better.

Get used to chicken poop, because it finds a way. Don't wear white tothe coop. Ever.

Chickens pecking exposed toes hurts worse than chickens pecking exposed fingers. And if said toes are painted, said chickensdo not lose interest.

I need at LEAST two of every type of chicken there is. I NEED them, guys. I want Sikies and Marans and Buckeyes and lots of Polish.....

Chicks smell different than fully grown chickens. This 'new chick' smell, if inhaled in close quarters, will cause you to contract 'chicken math'. Just ask anyone.

You will learn to talk chicken, and will be frustrated when your freinds just don't get the joke. "She said 'buk baaawk?' about your new shoes. It's derisive. Because she can't eat them." "Oh. Ha."

You will want to bring the chickens inside to cuddle. They will want to eat the carpet.

If you give yourself a chicken, you will want a goat... (Seriously. Gimme.)

Chickens can run. You either have to have long arms and chase them into a corner one byone, or have some scratch handy.

Chickens have claws that can really hurt if they aren't dull. If the run isn't wearing them down, get out some dog clippers.

Chickens secretly exert mind controll on people. ~Give me your sandwhich...!~ Resist! Fatty liver disease is a real threat, and sincce chickens can't taste most of what they eat, and since they don't really need it, don't give it to them just because they say 'oooh, I wan't some, mom!'.
I have been brooding in my workshop. I cannot believe how much dust they stir up. I have a fine coat of dust over everything now! When I move them out to the coop next week (if I can get it finished by then) I will have to pull everything out of my workshop to give it a good thorough cleaning top to bottom.

I had them in my sewing room. If that makes you feel better, dust on all my stuff.

I wouldn't change it for the world.
Chickens should be given all theroom you can give them, because- well, they just deserve to not live in cramped, 'O.K.' conditions.

Chickens are a lot stronger than they look and often don't need as much worrying over as they get. Not that they mind. ;)

Get the coop at least mostly done before you get the chicks.

Don't buy chicks from places where the employees don't care. Things get mislabled. Like 'straight run' and 'sexed pullets'. Established, local buisnesses are usually better.

Get used to chicken poop, because it finds a way. Don't wear white tothe coop. Ever.

Chickens pecking exposed toes hurts worse than chickens pecking exposed fingers. And if said toes are painted, said chickensdo not lose interest.

I need at LEAST two of every type of chicken there is. I NEED them, guys. I want Sikies and Marans and Buckeyes and lots of Polish.....

Chicks smell different than fully grown chickens. This 'new chick' smell, if inhaled in close quarters, will cause you to contract 'chicken math'. Just ask anyone.

You will learn to talk chicken, and will be frustrated when your freinds just don't get the joke. "She said 'buk baaawk?' about your new shoes. It's derisive. Because she can't eat them." "Oh. Ha."

You will want to bring the chickens inside to cuddle. They will want to eat the carpet.

If you give yourself a chicken, you will want a goat... (Seriously. Gimme.)

Chickens can run. You either have to have long arms and chase them into a corner one byone, or have some scratch handy.

Chickens have claws that can really hurt if they aren't dull. If the run isn't wearing them down, get out some dog clippers.

Chickens secretly exert mind controll on people. ~Give me your sandwhich...!~ Resist! Fatty liver disease is a real threat, and sincce chickens can't taste most of what they eat, and since they don't really need it, don't give it to them just because they say 'oooh, I wan't some, mom!'.

Or a Donkey! I am planning on getting a Goat and Donkey.
I had them in my sewing room. If that makes you feel better, dust on all my stuff.

I wouldn't change it for the world.
Had out first batch in my sons room. Till he pleaded with us to move them to the family room because they cheeped or run around their brooder like crazy whenever they felt like 3AM with school yet to be had later that "actual" day

# 1 thing I wish I'd known was they're like therapy. Since we got our 1st little fuzz butt, I smile a lot more, laugh a ways lot more and sit on the ground with them and feel like a kid. Nothing beats a bad day like a session of chicken run fun.
If somebody doesn't find running chickens amusing, I think there's something wrong with them.  Seriously, they're hilarious.  Those legs kicking out, the faces....

It's the best when they come running! The look like little airplanes just waiting to get lift!

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