Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

I do hope you're not suggesting that b/c Seramas are small that they could be house pets. They produce just as much dander and odor as a larger chicken, and an elderly person would definitely be at more risk to respiratory ills and be very unlikely to keep up with the dander issue.

I agree with this. I've never had an indoor chicken, so I don't know for a fact, but it kind of seems to me that an indoor chicken could actually be a lot more work than outdoor chickens. I think someone with limited mobility and not a lot of physical energy might get very overwhelmed.
I do hope you're not suggesting that b/c Seramas are small that they could be house pets.  They produce just as much dander and odor as a larger chicken, and an elderly person would definitely be at more risk to respiratory ills and be very unlikely to keep up with the dander issue.  

Thanks so much. I am not suggesting, according to my research they are bred as pet house chickens. In Malaysia today, in fact, they out number cats and dogs as indoor pets. They have been bred for centuries as pets, and seek out and crave human attention much like a dog. According to my research, which of course could be wrong.
I have owned dander producing bords in the house for over 25 years, so while a smaller bird produces dander, it is not as muchvas larger bird because body mass is less. But you are right, my mini cockatoo still makes it, and I do hsve respiratory problems.
The medical evidence shows, that while all your concerns are certainly valid, elderly people living alone sre livong shorter lives, are more depressed, and have more stress related problems, such as HBP. Not that medical problems disappear, but someone with a dog in the room will have lower BP thsn if no dog in room. Of course all factors play into any decision, and the one that is more beneficial hopefully is the one she picks. Its like the Drs prescribe drugs with side effect because the drug is thought to be beneficial enough to warrant side effects.
I wont write down my canine rescue credentials, but I do have two resumes, one is canine rescue, seperate fron business resume. Although I got alot of business experience running rescues. But thank you so much. Nothing will be done untill everything is layed out for her and she makes decision. Elderly people need pets too. I put it in my Fathers hands.
I would never have thought about keeping chickens in the house, at least past their feathering out phase. It's and interesting idea. At least as a pet they can provide and egg a couple of times a week and they are so entertaining. My sons are always bringing our chickens in the house. I will pet them a few minutes and then tell them to take them back outside. I have asthma so I doubt chickens would make good indoor pets for me, plus I think the smell would be pretty bad. I can't even stand having a litter box inside when we had a cat. I trained her to go outside to do her business.
I would never have thought about keeping chickens in the house,
I suspect that if they wore nappies, they wouldn't create much mess. Probably less than my powder birds do. I just can't imagine them having a good time indoors. Mine like scratching dirt, there'd be nothing for them to do indoors. They need the garden to engage in their "hobbies" (LOL). I've seen on tv and movies chickens walking in and out of people's houses in a rustic setting, where they leave the doors open, but that's in a mediterranean setting with tiled floors. I don't think you could ever let them wander in where you've got carpeting. I wouldn't want chook poo inside, it's bad enough that they drop it all over outside.
I would never have thought about keeping chickens in the house, at least past their feathering out phase. It's and interesting idea. At least as a pet they can provide and egg a couple of times a week and they are so entertaining. My sons are always bringing our chickens in the house. I will pet them a few minutes and then tell them to take them back outside. I have asthma so I doubt chickens would make good indoor pets for me, plus I think the smell would be pretty bad. I can't even stand having a litter box inside when we had a cat. I trained her to go outside to do her business.

I suspect that if they wore nappies, they wouldn't create much mess. Probably less than my powder birds do. I just can't imagine them having a good time indoors. Mine like scratching dirt, there'd be nothing for them to do indoors. They need the garden to engage in their "hobbies" (LOL). I've seen on tv and movies chickens walking in and out of people's houses in a rustic setting, where they leave the doors open, but that's in a mediterranean setting with tiled floors. I don't think you could ever let them wander in where you've got carpeting. I wouldn't want chook poo inside, it's bad enough that they drop it all over outside.

I keep my doors open during the summer for the cross breeze. My oldest hen likes to pass through (maybe so she doesn't have to walk around the house to get from one side to the other?). She never stays long enough to make a mess, just in one door and out the other. She has taught the others to follow her but they need shooing out the doors or they'd spend all day in the house if I let them.

I used to have a SLW who liked to take her mid-morning naps with my dog and she would come in looking for him if he wasn't outside.

As for living in the house? No way. I can count on getting a sinus infection after having one who's in the "infirmary" for just one night.
hahaha. Why did the chicken cross the house?
@ChickenJesus I have been downsized. A coon took all 8 chicks before I got down to do the final lock up. More predator proofing in the middle run. Glad that I have a camera inside the coop, we actually saw it go past the window last night.

I wish I had known to set a reminder to go down to the runs. I got distracted, they paid the price.

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