Think The "Girl" I Bought, May Be A Boy.. UPDATE: He is a BOY ;)

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, I picked up this chocolate Polish at Chickenstock in PA. We thought it may be a boy, I am seeing Wattles.. What do you think? Thanks for looking



Here is a black one with no wattles and is smaller in body type. I believe they were about the same age.

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not great pic quality, but.... i think pullet given the crest feathering
the same hting happened to me a few months ago, only mine ended up a roo. he is now living happily in rhode island with 16 rhode island red hens
it's always hard to tell the gender with polish.
Thanks for the reply... this is my first time with Polish.. my daughter couldn't help but bring 2 home. I didn't notice any wattles a week ago when we brought her home. So, Polish gender can be told from the crest? They are so funny looking
Generally the females will have a rounded crest and the males will have more of a mohawk that kind of splits down the middle and each half goes out towards the sides as an adult.

Edit: Spelling
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At what age do you think we'll be able to tell if a polish chick is a pullet or cockeral? I have some that are 3 weeks old and am anxious to know so that I can start selling the pullets off as people like to only buy pullets.
He "IS" a Boy... Started crowing this week. Love when they start, they sound so sickly. LOL He is so pretty, but I have so many roos already.
Just wanted to update on this guy. I knew when those wattles just appeared out of nowhere, I was in trouble.

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