Thinking about chickens


7 Years
May 30, 2012
Hello everyone, I am thinking about getting some chickens. I just bought a new place and it has a chicken coop out back so wanting to put it to use. I am new to chickens, as a matter a fact, I just found out yesterday I don't need a rooster to get eggs,????? But I live in kentucky and wanting to know the best chickens to get for eggs and eat when they are done producing eggs. I don't want to raise chicks, Im looking to get chickens that are already laying. I am full of questions and hope you all will bear with me as I try this out...
If byc members from your state has a "state thread" you can ask for birds there.
I would not recommend buying grown birds form just anyone from anywhere. The birds may have a disease.
I know people new to the chicken world want "Laying birds NOW!" But it is best to wait a while to get good birds.

Here is the link for kentucky
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Thank you for the warm welcomes. Im sure I will spend a couple days reading, and then start asking. This looks like a great site to learn things

I'm new too. We can muddle through this together.
We do. We bought chicks at the hardware store on May 9th. They're almost fully feathered. I can't wait to stick them into the coop, my house smells like a barn!

They're White Plymouth Rocks, which are known to tolerate colder temps (I'm in the Rocky mountains). Where do you live?

ETA I see you're in Kentucky. I think there are lot of southerners on here who could help you out, do a search for your state!
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Hello and :welcome

Glad to have you on board!
I have red sex links, they are fantastic layers and very consistent, however not sure how they are with eating. We got too attached to our birds to really eat them, even though they've stopped laying now. :p

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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