Thinking about homeschooling my Dyslexic Dd

Hi all,
I just wanted to let you all know that i appreciate the feedback and also that i am not trying to cop out of the public school system. My Daughter has actually never been in public school. She has gone to a private Montessori school sience the start. We did go to the public school for testing and i now feel that she is not going to get what she needs from the system. I feel that i need to have her home and get her reading level up. Cost of Homeschooling is not something i am overly concerned about not because money is not a issue for us (it really is) but because i have been a teacher by trade for many years (Montessori) and i can make a lot of the meterials. I was only wondering what everyone elce does so i could get a feel for what works for others. I am in Maine by the way.
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I don't have any experience with dyslexia personally, so I can't offer advice on that part of it.

I would look into the programs offered at local schools AND try to find a homeschooling group in your area... that way you can investigate which you think may help the most. I love homeschooling my bunch, a close friend of mine would love to, but her son is hearing impaired and the public school offers so much more than she can at home so she just supplements at home where she thinks he may be lacking. It makes for a long day for the little guy, but it works for them. If you meet local homeschoolers and find another working through dyslexia that might help you know what you could do at home, and help you learn about curriculum options, there are so many to choose from.

Good luck in your searching!
We've used for several years, in many states it's offered free as a charter school option, but maine doesn't have that option yet. I work with a girl who's dyslexic, and some additional resources that helped were: &, This summer begins my 5th year of working with charter school students, and the kids we have really do well with the program. Locally the public schools have had both the GATE and special ed budgets slashed, and the waiting lists is years long to get your kid into them, so we get alot of the overflow from there.

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