Thinking of a "pre-made" coop


I dont want to hire a handy man when I can just do the same thing myself. I just dont like the idea.
I guess Ill pass on a premade one and just crack down on my SO to do it.

I might have many guys come out and we will have a coop building party
Ha!! A barn raisin'!!! A fine old tradition that could easily be updated with a keg and speakers full of your favorite music! AND have the advantage of group experience and building/design ideas. Give away a dozen eggs for a door prize. . . maybe some extra chickens. . . .

I know it's a lot of work, but you might consider taking apart some pallets for the wood. A lot of them are made of hardwood, with some really sturdy parts to them.

Or check out Habitat Restore and see what they might have in the way of recycled materials.

How close are you to Monroe NC? When are you gonna do it? I want an invite!
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Monroe NC? lol
244 miles

No one I know has chickens. It kinda blows everyones mind that I got them.
Everyone that comes over always wonders if they can touch them or pet them or look in the coop

I dont even think I know anyone that knows HOW to build anything.. Other than my dad

That is a good idea on the pallets. Places usually stack them up to throw them out.
Well look here.

check out the coop pages on BYC for a week or two. Look at all the plans and everything, come up with some ideas of your own and try drawing them on paper. It will make them easier to see in your head.

then go back to the coop pages and make comparisons.

lather rinse repeat.

Take your time about the plans, because the old saying, "measure twice, cut once," is really really true.

Not only that, I've learned the if you follow that old saying it won't matter if you've never built anything before. You WILL look better than some of the "experts" who don't pay attention to their own rules.

BYC coop pages are the best thing since sliced bread.
I'm not commenting because I want to show off my coop but simply to tell you that it can be a rewarding experience to build it yourself.
Believe me when I tell you that I am NOT a builder. I am a Printer by trade. That is, I make my living in a Printing Co.
I tinker around the house fixing things when they break and have purchased some tools over the years.
I looked to buy a plan to build a coop but never could find one that looked like I wanted. Finally, I just drew what I thought would look cool and be functional. Once I had a rough sketch I set out building. As I went along I started to get excited with what I was creating and in the mean time I had eggs hatching and little ones growing so I was committed, I couldn't stop.
Purchase a book on building barns and simply apply what the book says to a smaller scale. It's really simple, show your SO your creative side.
Good Luck
Have you seen my playhouse coop?
I just love it. I added an adjustable ventilation grate to the top at the rear (Habitat $1).
I just cut the hole and popped it in , and added 2 screws. Easy peasy.
I cut the pop hole and added a box tunnel to the kennel.

The guy who built is near Atlanta. He delivered and set it up on my cinder blocks (my son helped too).
He had made many playhouses like mine, so I chose that design. Very affordable too. He can adapt it to lower the cost. For instance, he can leave off the shingled roof.
He makes a larger one too, but I didn't know that when I ordered it or I would have wanted it!
He painted the outside in white like I requested. You could ask him to cut the pop hole and make a slide door for it.

If I had to do it again I would ask for 2 real windows ( It has sliding plexiglass windows that work wonderfully, so that would be a little luxury item).
I would ask for the human door to bit a bit wider too.

Here is his number as appeared on craigslist

404-319-2646 [email protected]
I know I'm a bit late to this post, but I just wanted to say, Phil Ervin, your coop is wonderful! I wish I could build something that unique...I'm a 2D artist, but I don't think I could translate that to a structure. However, my husband is really keen on building at least PART of this chicken adventure. If you don't mind me asking, how much did materials run $? All in all, how long would you say it took to build it...from conception to completion??

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