Thinking of getting peafowl how do you winter them? I'm in Alberta


6 Years
Mar 29, 2013
Alberta Canada
Hi. I might have found the opportunity to have some peafowl on our farm to add to our chicken collection how easy are they to keep and what is the best way to winter them? Also wondering their disposition?
I have only had them for about 8 months but I love them. They don't eat a ton for their size, and most of the adults I got are very shy, but they warm up quick. Mine eat out of my hand very delicate like. My favorite follows me around making a purring sound- begging for treats. Anyway, I LOVE THEM!
I must admit I am quite excited about the Idea just worried about the wintering of them. I can but ask the people I am hoping to get them off! Glad your enjoying them. They are beautiful birds
I found that out with my duck and goose! They did find just the two of them but when I get another goose and another duck, they got really happy! I'm pretty sure I'm turning into THAT crazy animal lady lol I hear peas like to wonder around a lot and we just live on a little over an acre of land

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