Thinking of going more self-sufficient? How about building a windmill?

I myself would like names and phone numbers of the people that built one..I have read that same type of wording to sell something so many times...I am not saying that it won't work, or that it's not worth a try..
With time the way they are before I would put any money into it I would want a lot more details..
If it sounds to good to be true, well you know the end of the story..

Good luck and if you try it keep us posted

Don in windy Oklahoma
Yeah, it does sound like a late-night informercial!! Im doing more research before I take the plunge. My hubby is an electrician and he says it's quite possible but that it would most likely only power one appliance. We'll see....
There are nice websites out there that show the potential for wind power in various areas of the country. You might want to look at your area on the maps. I believe the sites are government produced for showing the capacity for wind power. I would also look at the Mother Jones website, they seem like the natural people to look to for this kind of project.
Thanks, NB. That's an informative site. After chatting with my hubby for some time on this matter, it seems it won't be economical for us. We aren't planning on staying here for more than two more years or so and it wouldn't be worth it to hook all this up.

Though I will add this page to my faves. I like how it is big and will produce some serious power. Some other models I looked at will do a few lights. I was like WHAAAA!??!

Thanks again!
I'm not looking for a turbine to power anything. I want an old-fashioned windmill--the kind that was used to pump water. Anybody seen/heard about books/plans for one of those?

We have a spot that would be ideal for a stock pond IF we could pump the water. Heck, even a stock tank in that spot would be helpful. But running electricity all that distance is not feasible.

The only plans I've ever seen are for ornamental ones, not working ones, so if anybody knows where to look, I'd sure appreciate it!


We use 4 windmills (3 in the patures and one at home) to pump water for our cow herd. They are all probably over 100 years old and my husband scrounges old parts at farm sales to keep them going. I know I've seen ads for new ones in some of his farm papers/magazines.
They are all probably over 100 years old

WOW! Someday you should post some pictures! They are a part of our living history! I once heard someone say that it was the windmill--not the gun--that tamed the West. I do believe that, too.

WOW! Someday you should post some pictures! They are a part of our living history! I once heard someone say that it was the windmill--not the gun--that tamed the West. I do believe that, too.


Here's the one here at home.

These are from the ones in the pastures.



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