Thinking of shipping chicks.....


It's all about the Dels!
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Englewood, TN
Ok. thinking of shipping chicks and my post office lady said I can't drop off there... that I have to take them near the airport... that is a hour or more away. Anyone ship chicks and have some insight? Also where do you find the best deals on boxes.....

just advice in general appriciated.
I know places like and Murray McMurray sell shipping boxes.

IMO, shipping chicks is a tricky business. Perhaps someone else will come along that can give you a few tips.
That's what I'm hoping for. Push comes to shove I may just drive up a county or so towards the airport and stop in to ask the post office people there. Let's be honest, at these gas prices, I rather not drive out of my way to ask a question.... IF I can get some answers here.
FLChickens is correct. You can mail them from any post office but some will try to deter you because they do not want to deal with it. I ship chicks all the time. I do drive them to the next town because it is a day longer from our little post office. They actually take them to the same place I do, it just saves the chickies an extra day in the box when I drive them there. I suggest using the post offices that has overnight express (our little post office does not - it is 2 days at best).

Another problem with shipping from a small post office that does not want to do it is they are inclined to make mistakes that could harm the chicks because they do not know what they are doing (meaning they do not do it enough). Things like not calling ahead to make sure the airport has room for the chicks or alerting the express driver that there are chicks going to the airport.

As far as boxes, I get them 50 -100 at a time for a better deal. Meyers hatchery here in Ohio is one place - but they no longer include the excelsior for the bottom of the boxes - you have to purchase it extra (it is close enough for me to pick them up) and I also order from RS Bird Shippers (330-897-1306) - they do include the excelsior and they are less expensive but a little less convenient with no website (also here in Ohio). They do it the old fashioned way, on the phone

I hope all this helps! Good Luck!
Thanks FL and rockin.....

Exactly what I suspected. You should have seen the way it went down (keep in mind I ship hatching eggs 1-3 times a week so the lady knows me):

"Hey, no eggs today, I have a question."
"I was thinking of shipping chicks too"
I have a startled look on my face now and ask, "You can't ship out chicks?" , knowing darn well you can because people do.
"You can but not here. You'll have to go near the airport."

I just had that feeling that she didn't want to deal. So you still recommend going to a bigger town's PO to ship out? Is there some protocol... like calling ahead or being there right before the truck? I mean I would try for that anyways, but what I'm asking is... is there some point in the day they would turn me away?
Call and ask them. My PO is fantastic to work with, I only ship lives on Monday and Tuesday, never near a holiday. I tell them in advance when I have birds coming or going. They take extra care, and keep them away from the general mail to help keep it quiet and less stress.

It is worth creating a relationship so they get to know you and your routines. I always take chicken eggs as thank you for taking care of the live shipments so well.
Most of what has been said is true. Postal regulations (according to my local post office) will not allow a post office to accept live birds for shipping if the temp is going to be over 80 degrees F at either shipping or receiving site. Remember they will be placed in a semi or box truck. Those get well over 100 degrees in the sun in a very short time= dead birds. Also unless they are day old chicks when shipped they will arrive dead. You can not put water in the box. Only something with moisture they can eat like an apple sliced and they won't eat that unless previously conditioned. Also are you NPIP tested and certified. What you can ship this time of year is eggs but the heat may make them infertile/dead.

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