~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

Saaaaaally... Saaaaaasllllly.. SAaaaaaaaaLLLlllllly......
I threw info into my siggy, see the coolerbator link below, there are some amazing options, most anything will work with a good thermostat and cheap fan! Plus you have plenty of people to help you out if you have questions! ;) GO FOR IT!

Well I have made a fish tank incubator for the Easter Hatch. This is its maiden voyage. I insulated on the outside with inch thick sheets of foam sandwiched between cardboard. This allows me to use the glass of the tank as a heat sink. Right now it is my only incubator but when I finish my Dishobator (dishwasher) it will be my hatcher. The top is formed from two shipping pieces of foam that were formed in near the right demensions. I added pieces of the inch thick foam to places to make it seal right. and taped it together with duct tape. When I am finished tweaking the shape I am going to cover it in a faux leather contact paper. It is sitting in my art/sewing room so I can monitor it closely. I will try and get you pics if you want.
for the hatch a long.. ancona

I also have more in the incubators... black east indies, muscovy, french white muscovy, rouen, silkie, calls, cayuga, khaki campbells, golden 300s, mixed breed, blue swedish, giant pekins, geese, (I know I am forgetting someone) ... with mandarin and more muscovy eggs due to arrive sometime next week...along with the first batch of peafowl eggs

lol.. and that's not counting the chicken eggs....

but at least the turkey eggs from the bator hatched (I need to take more pics and update the other thread)... but I have a turkey hen setting a nest (different hen from the dummy egg nest).. and found a muscovy hen setting a nest today too.. but I'm not counting on them to hatch since the predators like to raid the nests and eat the eggs even if the mommas are sitting on them..
Ancona-- sounds like a snake. lol Wowo that is a huge variety of ducks!! SHipped eggs or your own??

At what age are muscovy good for dinner?? I am thinking about setting muscvoy eggs again though hens do a better job than I do. lol

I don't consider myself lucky, but sometimes the stars line up and shine upon me. Today, I was really busy at work, but I slipped away to come home and check the hatchers, I had adjusted the temp before leaving for work and wanted to make sure it was okay. The feed store is on my way home and I needed chick starter, so I stopped in.

I have become an expert at resisting the sirens call of chicks and can even look at them without being tempted, so when I heard the peeping as I walked through the door, I was not concerned. I walked over to the brooders and peeked inside. There was this one that stood out. I kept looking at it and it moved differently and sounded different. Then I saw a snood!

I got a poult for $1.00!
NIce find!!!

still not enabling....
Awwwwwwww . . . .
LOL your bad! I have wanted a pair FOREVER and then I met a full size spoiled nubian wether, and fell in love with the big doting dummy! I just saw on FB group some local mini fainting goats, OMG I was sooooo tempted!! but those I would have to get a unrelated pair because I would need more babies!! they had two boys sold banded :(
Sally, I'd give you a couple of kids whenever you wanted.

DH asked if I had enough room in the LG for shipped eggs coming at the end of the week-- um . . . not likely! lol He opened THAT door and I pounced on the opportunity to fire up the Henny Penny coolerbator and now I can set lots of eggs.
Im still woring on my Sally Style Cabinet Cooler-bator. I really wanted it to be done this weekend but I don't think so *sigh* I hope it gets done soon. I already have one incubator stacked and eggs in lockdown and chick orders coming out my ears. My cousin just text me last night and her family decided to get some chicks( I never expected them to want chickens lol) So now I am going to gift her some chicks.
still not enabling....
Awwwwwwww . . . .

lol.. Ancona are smaller than a muscovy.. think "average white pekin with spots" and that will give you an idea of what they look like.. I'll take some pics of my older babies to give you a better idea

Out of these eggs.. 99% are shipped in.. for the last batch of ancona (also shipped eggs) I got a 100% hatch... some of the others are looking the same way. I did get a box of eggs the other day that came in leaking.. the guy used no packing to speak of and every single egg was smashed.. so needless to say that one went into the trash! And I was sent a box of rotten eggs too.. Seller stated their ducks had been laying like crazy.. when I asked about the size of the air cells and told him that a few had exploded in the box his reply was "those eggs are fresh, they were laid this year, 2014".. so I asked exactly when they were laid he said "oh, sometime in January I think.. but they are still good for hatching"!

For the muscovy.. if you get the French Whites.. they can reach 12 pounds in 12 weeks...

and that baby goat is Fiona.. she was born in February and on the coldest nights she got to spend in the house to help her stay toasty warm.. now I have to listen to our parrot demanding "where's Fiona?" "Maya wants to see Fiona baby".. lol
Alright it looks like I am in by proxy. My larger Chestobator was giving me fits and then I shorted out the thermostat for it. So I built a Aquabator (aquarium) but it is smaller and stuffed full with the Easter Hatch. So Donna is hatching my turkey eggs for me and some of her SBEL's for tutors. These are 9 Slates or RP/Slates from Silkie Sensation. Should be about 6 SBEL's.

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