Third Party Candidates!

FINALLY!!! we now have a couple of candidates that that we can get behind. Note to know when I say "get behind" I mean we get behind the both of these crackpots and push them in the moat. We both know that there is no room in politics for honesty and they are both out.
Hey, Hey, HEY its off with your head for threatening my Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shaddup Bunny.
Anybody want Rabbit for supper?
I have a few Qs. How come the QUEEN needs to be voted in and why is she going to be Vic president?
Java, there was a political humorist named Mark Russell who I think had the perfect answer to why the Queen is running for VP. It was his opinion that the primary responsibility of the Vice President was to be funny. And off the top, I can't think of a funnier political candidate than Queen Em. Perry is the (slightly) more serious of the two, so having him on the top of the ticket just makes sense. Though if the pressure of the campaign causes him to lose track and miss with his meds, Bubba or Billy Bob or what's-her-name showing up on the stump could be difficult to explain.
Java (and Bunny), the Queen is running as Veep because she will still have the responsibility of maintaining the Kingdom as well as those of her public office. Since I have no "real" duties in the Kingdom (other than saving Sour's head regularly), I have more time to devote to running the country!

As far as the voting part of the whole deal goes, that's why we (America) had that little scuffle with Great Britian back in the late 1700's!

And Bunny, the weekly shock treatments have eliminated almost all of my occasional personality "conflicts".

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