Third Party Candidates!

*I* didn't pay him Perry.
Still, Capvin might make a good contribution....I say we let him stay.

As for Bunny, I think she needs to take a swim...We're the most honest politicians available.
Sorry, Em! But I knew I didn't send Capvin money either! And I'm sure he would fit into the administration well

Unfortunately, being the "most honest politicians" still doesn't say much! But we are NOT politicians!
we're just looking for a 4 year paycheck and this looks good!
I can't believe I just found this thread!

With that being said I need to clarify a few things.

MFB ain't running for nuttin except the dinner table. I got enough people hating me without being a political .. umm... target? A nice four year paycheck sounds nice though. Do you have a post for me? Something where no one knows you, gets to shoot at you or call you bad names?
How about I get to be ambassador to... uhhh... I dunno, someplace with good food? Maybe I could just stay home and said country send me food? I'll make them lots of empty promises about sending them foreign chickens. Or rabbits or something.

Also I'll vote for this ticket I think. Prez Perry, Vice-Prez Em, and Cap for a good defense post? Sounds like a winner to me. Besides, none of the other parties have mentioned free barbecue. You must give George a cushy post too though. He's gettin' too old to be chasing those dogs.

But remember, I'm from so far out in the country our real state Representative is named Bubba. Real name too. lol Em got to meet him Saturday.
He's a hoot.
Aw crap, he found the thread. Sorry Perry, there's only so much I can do with him.
MFB, you HAVE to vote for us, you'll be Second Lady. (Lad?)
Em, it's not like you could hide it from him! Although he seemed to have no idea you were running until he read it.
Second Ladies normally work with some type of social issues, so ya might better start trying to train him a bit to be seen in public!
Maybe we can send him on a "fact-finding" mission until after the election. Once we're in office, they're stuck with him to!

But if you think about it, he can't be more of an embarrassment than some that are already there!

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