Third time around Tampa Bay Area Chicken Swap - Saturday, January 28th

I am very new to BYC forum and live in St Pete. I have three chickens. They are about 6 mos (not laying yet, but hopefully soon!)

I would love to add one more chicken (I really want an Ameracuana or another blue egg layer) but heard it might not be a good idea to add a single hen to a "flock" because they might not take. But since my three girls are young, I thought it might be okay if I added one that is similar in age (6 mos to a 1yr?). Any thoughts on this?

Looking forward to meeting other chicken owners at the swap! ( I assume the swap is Jan 28th 2012 and this is a new swap posted to an old thread, right? or am I terribly confused...)
Can you help some of us who hate to dig thru the long forums and start a new thread for each new swap. I am trying to find the information on the swap because I would like to attend.
At that age adding one shouldn't be a problem. IMO the easiest way is to do it at night. Slip her in quietly after the others have gone to roost. In the morning it will be as if she had always been there. Any way chickens can't count. LOL I've never had a problem doing it this way, whether it was one bird or a few. Best of luck.
I found it worked well to have the new chicken in a cage where they could all see each other for about a week, then I let them free-range together. Adding one at night is also a good idea, just keep an eye on them in the morning! Go to the first page for the details. Most swaps that are held more than once are on the same thread so that the folks that are subscribed to it will get a notice when something is posted, and know to look and see the new info. And the first entry is usually edited each time.

I am very new to BYC forum and live in St Pete. I have three chickens. They are about 6 mos (not laying yet, but hopefully soon!)

I would love to add one more chicken (I really want an Ameracuana or another blue egg layer) but heard it might not be a good idea to add a single hen to a "flock" because they might not take. But since my three girls are young, I thought it might be okay if I added one that is similar in age (6 mos to a 1yr?). Any thoughts on this?

Looking forward to meeting other chicken owners at the swap! ( I assume the swap is Jan 28th 2012 and this is a new swap posted to an old thread, right? or am I terribly confused...)
ok, not sure why my post didn't show up but here we go again! I am bringing buff orp chicks. $2

If i don't sell my blue sumatra's at the swap in lake placid the week before i am bringing my breeding pair $60

I also have some other random stuff Chicken group!/groups/176629375738884/ Florida Swap group
Here ya go Mr Fixit.
Also, bu25erfly, it can go smoothly, it can take months, I have one bird that has never fit in with the flock, and it doesn't seem to bother her a bit!!! She seems to prefer to be on her own. It all depends on the personalities of your chickens. I think the key for me is to give it time. I panicked when first adding new birds, and eventually they found their own way. I've added one to four at a time. Each bird is treated differently. Good luck!
PM chics in the sun, NOT ME...
it's her swappy swap

New info starts on post 214, page 22 !

Saturday, January 28th, same location.

We are hosting a swap for all current and future flock tenders in the Tampa Bay area, in part to celebrate the recent victory in city council for chicken owners in un-incoorporated Pinellas County to be allowed 4 chickens in their back yard.

Many of you signed the petition for this to go through at my last two swaps, and we would like to thank you for your support!

When:Saturday, January 28th at 8:30am. You can come around 8:00 if you want to set up.

Where: My backyard, at 455 33rd Ave North, St.Petersburg, FL. I have about a 1/2 acre yard, with some shade but mostly sunny, so bring umbrellas or shade tents if you need them. It will probably be easier to bring in larger cages or bins through the back gates, which are accessable from the alley behind my house, which connects to 5th street. Just look for the aviary and grey house.

What: Bring your eggs, chickens, ducks, geese, or rabbits, but please nothing larger like goats or mini horses. I am also going to promote this locally as a chance for people to come learn about backyard chickens, so be prepared to answer questions. Some of the questions may even make it to the "Dumbest questions a city slicker has ever asked you" thread, as you will be smack dab in the middle of a city. But hey, we all have to start somewhere! Feel free to also bring snacks or drinks to share.

PM me if you have any questions. Post what you plan on bringing, or what you are looking for. Hope to see you there!
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I got my schedule for that week and unfortunately, I am not going to be able to make it.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually be able to attend a swap. I am looking forward to the ducklings from chics in the sun!!!!!
for a good hatch.
That's a shame! We'll miss you, bit you and i will have our own swap for two after the ducklings hatch. I'll candle them tomorrow and let you know how they look!
I can't wait.

I am sad to miss the swap. I'd love to be able to meet more of the folks here. But I am only 1 month in on a new job and apparently my request off did not hold any weight.

That's a shame! We'll miss you, bit you and i will have our own swap for two after the ducklings hatch. I'll candle them tomorrow and let you know how they look!

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