This chick has an interesting pattern..

I have a strong feeling they have the Easter egger genes because of the beard. I was told the australorp was the roo for sure, but I’m not so certain of anything. Turns out they both have crossbeak 😒 I didn’t notice it on the bearded one until today.
I agree about the beard probably coming from Easter Egger.

Both crossbeak? That's disappointing :(
I’m guessing this chick is one of the part ameraucana chicks. Interesting pattern on its face. The roo is australorp. I was told the hen could have been australorp, australorp/ameracauna mix or ameraucana.

Anyone seen one like this and could tell me what kind they think it is? Bottom left in last pic
Could it be a rooster? I had some bullets that I picked out and I picked one cuz it resembled a hawk turned out to be a rooster! 😂
Could it be a rooster? I had some bullets that I picked out and I picked one cuz it resembled a hawk turned out to be a rooster! 😂
It likely is. If the father was a black australorp like I was told, then the chicks with barred pattern should be a rooster. But these are just… odd presentations 😂

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