This forum has been much different lately.

It’s just...we used to be a helpful community, with knowledgeable people and quick, accurate answers. Now, it seems like it’s a chat forum and all the knowledgeable people have been scared off.
I couldn't agree more. This site has quickly turned into a political, childish site. It used to be full of useful information but now it's full of whiny brats
<<<=== Guilty of Segue. AFTER the question has been answered and the thread ranges thru relate topics.

Agree w/ the OP to the extent it encompasses people hopping in and offering emotionally based opinions (generally regarding culling, rehoming, or otherwise dealing with birds turned aggressive, no longer laying, severely injured, born deformed, or otherwise no longer suited for their purpose) with little regard for the original post or the poster's circumstances. Or the "I learned Law from a guy who once watched Judge Judy" / "on Facebook" / "I am a sovereign citizen" offerings regarding Zoning ordinances.

Hesitant to ascribe it to any particular age group, but rather (w/o becoming too political here) a trend in public education which is more pronounced as age decreases.

Can't speak to other topics, I try to restrict my postings to areas where I might have something useful to offer. Worth no more, and perhaps less, than the Readers paid for it, 'tis true - but reflective of me, so I try not to be riddled with factual errors, just spelling errors. ;)
<<<=== Guilty of Segue. AFTER the question has been answered and the thread ranges thru relate topics.

Agree w/ the OP to the extent it encompasses people hopping in and offering emotionally based opinions (generally regarding culling, rehoming, or otherwise dealing with birds turned aggressive, no longer laying, severely injured, born deformed, or otherwise no longer suited for their purpose) with little regard for the original post or the poster's circumstances. Or the "I learned Law from a guy who once watched Judge Judy" / "on Facebook" / "I am a sovereign citizen" offerings regarding Zoning ordinances.

Hesitant to ascribe it to any particular age group, but rather (w/o becoming too political here) a trend in public education which is more pronounced as age decreases.

Can't speak to other topics, I try to restrict my postings to areas where I might have something useful to offer. Worth no more, and perhaps less, than the Readers paid for it, 'tis true - but reflective of me, so I try not to be riddled with factual errors, just spelling errors. ;)
Totally agree! Forgot about those type of posts.

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