This forum has been much different lately.

Exactly!!!!!! What the heck is up with that??? Someone has a dying bird, in urgent need of help, and the people who are supposed to help save it donā€™t notice because theyā€™re too busy screwing around with their friends.

It is a problem! The endless tide of meaningless messages has to stop!
Alright. Let's play!
Rant Coming Ya'll and maybe it's overdue??!!!

Exactly "WHO" are the people that are "supposed to help"?
Who are you complaining about anyway? I mean, emergency threads are getting answered as quickly as possible - WHEN there is time.

So are you saying that folks with "badges" are "Supposed" to be answering questions/helping others and not having not using the site for all that is it - including chat and pm's? They don't have a life, friends, their own animals, spouses, children and/or family that may need their "freeee" time as well?
Who said "they" are "supposed" to do anything. "THEY" can't have fun? What's up with that?
Seriously, ya'll wonder why threads go unanswered.

Why are you complaining about chat threads in random ramblings being just that...."CHat Threads"???? There's other forums on this website and if people post in the right forum, someone may help them. Might not be what they are looking for, but usually there's a reply of some type. This is a free forum - if they want "professional help" then they can seek a paid service.

There is a list. IT's been discussed at length, then again and again and apparently some more.
There are people being tagged ALLL the time.
Yep. There's a lot of thread that go "unanswered" but are actually replied to. They have like 5 people just tagging everyone they know or can think of. A thread in the ER section that has replies is likely going to get passed over since it looks like it's being taken care of. Just the way it is.

There's plenty of people on BYC that have experience - not just "badges" that could share if they wanted, but hey...maybe they are off having a chat and some fun with their friends.

If this might solve some of the issues brought up, maybe there is a list or someone can comprise one of all the members who are 'Educatior' status, and others who are trusted, maybe we can all familiarize ourselves with these users and tag if we notice a thread is drifting without a resolution

I agree that some things get lost, but the front page moves quickly even if you take the chat threads out of the equation. What I find irritating is when someone posts 'I don't know how to help, sorry' as the first post in a thread. If you leave that first post open, at least the thread will show up unanswered. Not all experts are online 24/7.
You aren't getting my point.
She made this thread to discuss the issues on BYC. And now there's pages of nonsense that are doing exactly what we are complaining about.
No actually. (Correct me if Iā€™m wrong) but I believe the thread was made to discuss the changes and concerns of BYC. Which is exactly what weā€™re doing.
No actually. (Correct me if Iā€™m wrong) but I believe the thread was made to discuss the changes and concerns of BYC. Which is exactly what weā€™re doing.
The purpose of this thread is to talk about the changes of BYC. If someone has predator issues and some random person just puts a meme instead of helping that person, that is a main issue
Alright. Let's play!
Rant Coming Ya'll and maybe it's overdue??!!!

Exactly "WHO" are the people that are "supposed to help"?
Who are you complaining about anyway? I mean, emergency threads are getting answered as quickly as possible - WHEN there is time.

So are you saying that folks with "badges" are "Supposed" to be answering questions/helping others and not having not using the site for all that is it - including chat and pm's? They don't have a life, friends, their own animals, spouses, children and/or family that may need their "freeee" time as well?
Who said "they" are "supposed" to do anything. "THEY" can't have fun? What's up with that?
Seriously, ya'll wonder why threads go unanswered.

Why are you complaining about chat threads in random ramblings being just that...."CHat Threads"???? There's other forums on this website and if people post in the right forum, someone may help them. Might not be what they are looking for, but usually there's a reply of some type. This is a free forum - if they want "professional help" then they can seek a paid service.

There is a list. IT's been discussed at length, then again and again and apparently some more.
There are people being tagged ALLL the time.
Yep. There's a lot of thread that go "unanswered" but are actually replied to. They have like 5 people just tagging everyone they know or can think of. A thread in the ER section that has replies is likely going to get passed over since it looks like it's being taken care of. Just the way it is.

There's plenty of people on BYC that have experience - not just "badges" that could share if they wanted, but hey...maybe they are off having a chat and some fun with their friends.
Ha supposed to
Nobody's supposed to do anything. I'll answer if I like but I usually just let it go cause of all the facts (guesses) thats already been said. There's no point
Some people will never learn šŸ™„šŸ¤š

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