This forum has been much different lately.

"The Giver" is political allegory.

and my participation on BYC, subject to the rules of the forum (their forum, their rules - I am a guest here) is not contingent upon my "needing" to answer anything posed or posted by another member, whether their chicken is in urgent need of medical attention or not.

BYC finds my presence useful in that it sells advertising revenue, so they can continue to host the site. I find BYC of more value than either internet searching on my own (which I have some practice at) or the cost of paying no attention to the right side of my screen while it consumes high speed data minutes with video.

Voluntary, mutually beneficial transaction between consenting parties, respectful of each other's property.

The above is not allegorical, its straight political, intended as response to the position of those positing that BYC exists to co-op the time and experience of certain labeled posters solely to address issues others have labeled "urgent".

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