This forum has been much different lately.

I agree as well, but it's happening on another forum I belong to. On that forum, a shaving forum, questions like what razor blade did you use today? or how many days on your current blade? Huh? I'm about to drop off that one. I haven't been on this one very long, and I know it helped me. There are people with definite problems who need our help so I'm hanging in here, at least for a while longer. There's some great helpful information given by members who really want to help. Let's just knock off the incidental "chat" posts.
yeah because me/myself/i is mocking pronouns

straight lives matter is mocking BLM and LGBTQ+ people

I was going to explain but then you never replied to my PM
No that's the problem.
If there's freedom for one there should be freedom for all.
Anyone can put any kind of spin on anything written but that don't make it true that just makes it fit their agenda.
If you want equality you need to give it also.
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Wow. I have a lot to learn. I thought the rainbows was all about professing their love for lucky charms. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I congratulate you for being self-aware enough to realize that you do have things to learn. Unfortunately I don't believe you have enough respect for other people to actually take the time to learn about them.

When your mama used to say "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" she wasn't worried about noise or other people's feelings, she just didn't want you embarrassing her. And yet you persist in doing just that.
... so I was trying not go get off topic but that's clearly a lost cause. Can I ask what the rolling eye face and hand emojis mean? Sorry I'm not good at that kind of thing.... I'm not one of the younger crowd.
They mean whatever they mean in the moment, not really a definition. It's an inside joke between a few of us, and a few others seem to just be kinda following along. 🤷‍♀️

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