This forum has been much different lately.

Sometimes I wonder if people join to learn about Chickens or other poultry, or if they just want to argue on a chicken site for no good reason :)
I came to the conclusion that it's because there are people involved. It doesn't matter what the subject is, not everyone will agree and so disagreements will be had. I remember thinking when I first joined that it would be nice to learn from people and chit chat about chickens. I was initially surprised when I saw the kind of stuff that can happen on here, whether it's somebody being rude in how they disagree with something, bad information, or even just things that show up on threads when they ramble a little bit too much. I was surprised because I thought it was a chicken forum and should be tame, then I realized there are people involved. 😂
Sometimes I wonder if people join to learn about Chickens or other poultry, or if they just want to argue on a chicken site for no good reason :)
That's why there are social threads, to keep the random crap out of the poultry crap. Although there are times when social doesn't seem to be the appropriate word. If it's not worth commenting on, scroll on by. If you feel compelled to share your point of view, there are enough members someone will agree with you. And if it's too big a waste of your time you need to remind yourself no ones forcing you to be here.
I think "the people who are supposed to help save it" is a stretch.

In the first place people new to the forum often haven't bothered to ask for help until a problem has been going on for days. Assuming strangers on the internet will be able to fix a problem you've let progress into something serious is asking too much.

In the second place when you decide to own pets or livestock you're taking responsibility for their welfare. If you pay a vet for help you're sharing the responsibility. But if you're just asking strangers for advice you're still responsible for evaluating what you're told and what you do. If you can't accept that you shouldn't keep chickens or ask for advice.

Most people wouldn't take free medical advice without considering the source. I think applying the same objectivity to chicken health isn't asking too much. As other people have indicated there are any number of resources other than BYC for people to use. And it should be clear to anyone who's seen the site that it's not WebMD for poultry. When people are going to have a baby they'll read 3 books on naming it and two more on care and feeding and maybe a few on education and planning for a baby's future. Reading one book on chicken keeping before you buy a half dozen chicks at TSC doesn't seem like asking too much. It's certainly preferable to raising them in your bathtub and asking "the people who are supposed to help" every time a new problem arises.
I agree completely. If you have animals you need to be able to take care of them properly. Not everyone’s properly is the same and if your asking for medical advice on a forum with randoms you definitely need to be prepared for the wrong advice sometimes. Not everyone is decent enough to not offer advice if it’s wrong or their not sure. Whether it is intentional or not is another story.
Yet you're willing to generate three of those six pages. 🙄

What you're calling argumentative I see as defensive. Just saying.
Frankly I wasn’t arguing.
All right people let’s move on please? It’s called an opinion and everyone has one. Your straight your not....... This is BYC. It’s about CHICKENS. Not your sexuality. This thread is not about that. Anyone can have whatever they want in their signature but let us not pick a fight about it. No offense to anyone. Have a good rest of your day. Also let’s change the subject.

Who here likes cheese?
I’m arguing now. But earlier I was fixing the problem. We didn’t argue for a good 5 pages. Now here we are again. :rolleyes:
Just saying.
Frankly I wasn’t arguing.

I’m arguing now. But earlier I was fixing the problem. We didn’t argue for a good 5 pages. Now here we are again. :rolleyes:
Just saying.
You were "fixing the problem" in post 243. Erlibrd decided Chickentrains hadn't had enough abuse in post 418. Not defending himself, opening a new assault. And you defended him. Obviously you didn't fix the problem. And as long as we're being frank, I'm not sure you even understand what the problem is. I'm not sure you're capable of understanding what the problem is. Frankly, I think you're part of the problem. Just saying.

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