This is a dumb fear.

Heeeey, you're not supposed to be working, are you?

Teaching Lily to obsess over serial numbers?
I have to know about the yellow candy???? Curiosity

I also sleep under the covers, goes back to my childhood, to many Hitchcock movies.
Closet doors must be shut, and I hate to take a shower if noone is home.
Eenie, that's not a dumb fear. If so, then I'm just as dumb. I leave the shower curtain open because I don't like not being able to see behind it. I HAD shower doors, but yanked them out along wth the gross tracks and hung my shower curtain instead because it's easier to clean a curtain than deal with hard water on the doors.

And I too can't handle a cracked open door. It absolutely creeps me out. Too many stupid movies as a teen I guess. I used to have a fear of the under the bed monster grabbing my feet, but eventually got over that one.

We all have our own quirks. Now if you had to open the shower curtain 5 times to be SURE you didn't see anyone behind it, then yes....I'd say you had an OCD issue.
And that is why we have glass shower doors. They'll never be able to jumpo out at me. Not a dumb fear at all. Now, about the money--Em even down to the serial #'s?
I'm not supposed to be working, no. I did anyway.
Technically all I really did was gripe at my employees.

Sourland, yes, down to the serial numbers. This is something I do every single time. I think that's why they paid me in all ones.

I readily admit I have issues. My employees are fond of saying "There's the right way, the wrong way, then there's Em's way"
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I have to know about the yellow candy???? Curiosity

I also sleep under the covers, goes back to my childhood, to many Hitchcock movies.
Closet doors must be shut, and I hate to take a shower if noone is home.

Haha! Yeah, I'm afraid of them..
I don't really know why to be honest, but if there's yellow candy around, I freak.
If it touches me, I'll cry and have a panic attack.
If it gets near my mouth, I'll throw up.
Those little things are evil.
My best friend in high school used to have to sort out my sweet tarts for me during lunch.

One time a group of us went somewhere, and I was in the front seat. A girl that was with us didn't know of my phobia, and asked if I wanted some of her candy.
I said "sure" and reached my hand back to get some, and when I turned to look as she put the candy into my hand, I freaked out and threw the candy everywhere and we almost wrecked.
We had to pull over so I could get out of the car, because I had a horrible panic attack because of it.

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