This is a dumb fear.

Terrie, that might backfire. My hubby cleaned for me once. I never asked him to do it again.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm sorry! I take it all back!! All those things I said about you behind your back were just pieces of my envy showing through! I'm sorr- *Realizes it's fake* *Coughs*



Did I say that out loud?
I won't say much about my OCD & phobias......other than

3 closet doors are open in the master bedroom. Almost all the time. With the closet lights ON. Sometimes I close them, during the day. Always open them & turn the lights on when we leave home, and when it starts getting dark.

Shower curtains are always pulled open unless company is coming. I hate them being closed so much I have mastered not soaking the bathroom while taking a shower with it pulled closed less than half way.

When I am cooking, I usually leave cabinet doors open & drawers pulled out until I am finished. DD usually closes them all.

DD has to have her closet door closed unless she is putting up or getting out clothes.
Dang. I feel abnormal now.

I don't obsess about anything, I just take it as it comes. But I've led a pretty adventurous life in the past, so I learned to adapt to just about anything.

Yep, there are a few nightlights in the house - so I don't trip over the danged black Lab. I sleep with at least one foot hanging off the bed. The only thing about the closet is the musty smell. Time to clean out and refresh. No outside lights on and we live in a jungle. Anyone trying to sneak up will break his/her neck on the vines. Clear shower curtain because we have an ancient claw foot tub, and having 3 solid color curtains makes it hard to wash yourself. Too dark.

Grew up sailing, no coast in sight. Flying? Jumped out of perfectly good planes 3 times. Ghoulies and ghosties? I say hi and keep on with whatever I was doing.

I think my biggest problem is with flying roaches. One landed on my shoulder last night and I did NOT go with the flow on THAT one. I sicced a cat on it!
I have such a fear of heights that I get dizzy - best if I just avoid them altogether. But if it is something I can Control, like climbing a ladder, I am ok.

I must have clean hands, and the kitchen must be clean. To hell with the rest of the house.
Terrie, that might backfire. My hubby cleaned for me once. I never asked him to do it again.

Yeah, he tried that with the laundry soon after we got married. He tried to be all innocent when he said "But but but, if you wash whites in hot and colors in cold, I just washed everything in warm. That is why your white work clothes are pink! Iiiiiiii diiiiiiinnnnn'tt knowwwww"

Yeah right buster. I made him stand there with me at the laundromat while I lectured through 2 hours of laundry-doing. Even after he confessed to trying to get out of laundry, I made him listen. Now he is pretty good at doing stuff.

<itch itch scratch scratch> Dang bubbles and vacuum.
Terrie, that might backfire. My hubby cleaned for me once. I never asked him to do it again.

Yeah, he tried that with the laundry soon after we got married. He tried to be all innocent when he said "But but but, if you wash whites in hot and colors in cold, I just washed everything in warm. That is why your white work clothes are pink! Iiiiiiii diiiiiiinnnnn'tt knowwwww"

Yeah right buster. I made him stand there with me at the laundromat while I lectured through 2 hours of laundry-doing. Even after he confessed to trying to get out of laundry, I made him listen. Now he is pretty good at doing stuff.

<itch itch scratch scratch> Dang bubbles and vacuum.

You should have made him wear your pink clothes for a week.
To tell you the truth I'm not really scared of anything if I was Ina hostage situation I would attack the bad guy I don't care if he has a gun pointed at me I rather he take 1 life than 10

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