This is going to be one very interesting, hodge-podge incubation! :-o


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Quebec, Canada
To start, it's my very first incubation so please wish me luck!!

I got a new hova-bator for my birthday in January and have fired it up (it's the forced-air model with egg turner), the eggs go in Wednesday morning.

I'm using my flock's eggs for this first try and am
for a good turnout... we have:

brown leghorn hen x EE roo
white sultan hen x white silkie roo
EE hen x EE roo
assorted sexlink hens x EE roo (hoping for olive eggers)

In addition, I got 3 new girls yesterday, they were in a pen with roos so am collecting their eggs (hey you never know!), so:

white polish/white leghorn hen x buff orpington roo OR SL polish roo
buff orpington cross hen x buff orpington roo
EE hen x buff orpington roo OR SL polish roo

Yep, I'm going to have a 'bator full of mutt eggs

Hopefully will end up with some pretty girls in my flock who lay colored eggs... that's the plan, anyways.

Dang, my b-day was in January too and nobody got me an incubator
Sounds like lots of fun! I bet you get a lot of use out of it especially since you have such mad building skills (saw your first project thread) and can build coops for all the new additions
. Keep us updated, I LOVE hatching threads!!

We need an I'm green with jealousy smiley, I thought about using the "other" green one, but it didn't seem right since I always use that when describing broody poo. I'm excited for you too! My DSD has a little cheapy styro bator they got to try to hatch reptile eggs with, all you guys setting eggs have almost got me to the point of borrowing it and giving it a shot.

OT--How's little Angle doing this afternoon?
How could you NOT hatch your own eggs, even if just once
I say go for it!!

Right now my little Angel is still resting crated in the bathroom, I'm trying to keep her dark and still - she is pooping normally, eating and drinking and cooing, has no fever so hopefully no infection...

Her prolapsed cloaca has receeded back into her vent, thankfully, and it looks like there is still a bit of swelling under the vent but everything seems to look good... her fate will be determined by her next egg, if she prolapses again she will have to cross the bridge... so please keep those prayers coming, come on little Angel you can do it, you can be normal!! Thanks for asking!
For Angle

I've been hoping one of my BA's or BO would get the broody bug, but nothing so far so I might just have to try my hand with the bator. DH is not really thrilled about chicks in the brooder again, but I won't set more then six eggs for my first try. I'm pretty sure it won't be the mess 20+ was last year, hopefully I'll get some lap chickens out of it too.

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