This is just flat out crazy.......

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We did have a problem with a pack of wild dogs and they had killed one of our baby pygmy goats. I was so mad because my daughter was crying and saying "Ode I'm so sorry I should have protected you more"

I talked to my husband about killing the dogs (they didn't belong to anyone) He said I'm scared to because a few months ago in one news show a local person had killed a neighbor's dog and got 8 years in jail and the next story was about a lady hitting and killing a child who had just got off the bus and only got 10 days in jail. He said I would get the 8 years.

I called the prosecuting attorney's office and they said if an animal dog or what ever kills any of your livestock or animals you have the right to shot them.

Well neither my husband nor I could kill an animal. But we did buy a pellet gun and it really stings the dogs but doesn't break the skin. Of course my neighbor is a police officer and he doesn't have problems killing a stray dog that has no owner.

We haven't had any problems with stray dogs and if some of the neighbors dogs come to the yard we shoot them with a pellet gun and we haven't had any dogs in a long time.

Of course since our pygmy goats have gotten grown no dogs go close to them.

Chickenlover88 wrote:
It isn't that hard to catch a dog or scare it away.

Obviously some of us here have dealt with the dog issue directly, and some have not.
It is NOT a simple matter of "shooing" a dog away in most cases. They see things smaller than them as prey. If anything gets in the way of their prey, they are generally unpredicatble. If I can stress this enough-ANY DOG HAS THE CAPABILITY OF KILLING. Not saying that is the case in every instance. But, we are talking dog here, an animal with no consience, just a built in natural drive that can overtake them.

I have dealt with several dog issues personally-so I am not just guessing here. Some dogs will get on your property and growl and bark at you if you try to stop them from killing chickens, some other types of dogs will stop chasing chickens and run to you with wagging tail, others will run away with tail tucked between the legs.

Bottom line, nobody here can make a "blanket" statement that all dogs can just be shoo-ed away-that is not reality.

In any case, I see this thread as heading towards being locked as most all dog threads do. I just wish that everyone could understand this is not a "we hate dogs" issue, this is a right to protect ourselves from any type of predator (including property, children, pets, and livestock).

PS: I like dogs, and am a firm believer that owner responsibility would solve 99% of the dog attacks.​
PS: I like dogs, and am a firm believer that owner responsibility would solve 99% of the dog attacks.

I totally agree. I love dogs, just not ones on my property that don't belong there.
Hobbychickener, You should feel lucky with that law in Kentucky. In Iowa, under the same circumstance's, a farmer was found guilty of shooting a deer out of season on his property and was fined and had to replace the deer. Figure that one out.
I guess working with dogs and owning dogs my entire life has helped me in reading their body language.
Chances are these two chesapeake bay retrievers being PUPPIES, Were just running towards that man trying to be friends. Just shooting them both to me is the most terrible and inhumane thing in the world to do. I mean seriously the easiest thing to do is spray the dog with a water hose or something. I would think that would take a much shorter amount of time than grabbing a gun. My dog was attacked by another dog while I was walking her down the street and I screamed and stomped and looked big and made a ruckus and the dog stopped attacking her and ran home. I have had my neighbors dogs run towards my chickens just like these labs did but they did nothing but sniff them and run back home. Imagine if I would have shot and killed them for no reason...I'm sorry to have voiced my opinion on things. I guess i'm the only one on here that wouldn't just shoot any dog if it were attacking or running towards my chickens...IF and only if it was growling or lunging at me would I kill it and that would still be on my consience for the rest of my life...
In my town, if a dog that's NOT mine is in MY yard and harrassing MY birds, I can take him out. I have that straight from the Animal Control Officer.
If you think about it, what do Chesapeake Bay Retrievers retrieve??? Du'h!!! BIRDS!!!!
I think I'll write to the news site too...
So if the dogs killed his birds, he'd be out $200 because they were just playing with them...what a crock...
Well cutest, It happened, and the only way to replace it would be a live capture and a release back into the farmer's area. The worst part is, Iowa is overrun by deer that keep running into automobiles.
I have 2 dogs which i love to death. That being said, if I caught a neighbors dog killing my chickens I would shoot it. That being said my gun is buried somewhere in my closet so I'd try to grab the dogs first. I have a sturdy fence so the only dogs I worry about are my own.
That story is upsetting. The man had every right to shoot his neighbor's dogs. Being a beloved pet doesn't mean a thing when that beloved pet kills the neighbor's livestock that the neighbor has invested time and money in.
I guess the moral of this story is to know the law in your area regarding dogs that are harassing your livestock and to SSS if possible Oh, and if the dog isn't killing your birds when you catch him around them call your neighbors and complain and if they don't them to animal control and keep your birds penned up tight!
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