this is kinda a weird question but i cant burp?? why?

i can eat anything!!!! i dont have alot of stomach aches! i hardley ever have them.

Maybe not being able to burp isn't always a bad thing then!
All i knew is my friend told me she never burped. She never said it was a problem, I haven't seen her in 25 years, I wonder if she ever burped?!!

What are the gurgling sounds? The ones your stomach makes? mine does that, or the ones in the throat area, kinda bubbly and gurgly? Cuz I get those too.
Maybe that gurgling sound in your throat is a burpette.
If you don't burp, then maybe that's an air bubble "gurgling" to come out instead. Do you fart OK? At least some gas is coming out..........they need some kind of escape!

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