This is the craziest thing


Free Ranging
Dec 12, 2020
Jacksonville, FL
Ok I am clueless on this one.
I went out to get eggs today.
We did have frost last night but that's not a huge thing, nor was it a hard frost or the first time this year for that already.

1 egg was a soft shell, she actually laid it in the poop floor like she knew it was going to be bad
1 egg was round almost like a golf ball
1 egg was elongated like it was stretched and smaller sized too
1 egg which is normally a pinkish hue, was white like it's been bleached.

4 hens, laying 4 goofy eggs on the same day. What the heck?

They all seem healthy, normal and not acting like they are spooked or something scared them or something. They got plenty of water / feed. (They have been caged last few days). Grit the works. I reach in and fluffle them up, the ones I can reach that don't walk away that is :) I did not give them any new or odd foods, and they did not get into something that they should not have that I am aware of.

What would cause this?
Are aliens giving them butt probes in the middle of the night or something?

I am totally confused and concerned too.

Sometimes they free range, other times I keep them locked in their pen /run. The past 4 days they been in their run ie NOT free ranging. All the eggs previous to today are fine.


Edit: They are well used to this behavior, some days they get to go out, other days they don't. Some days they only get out for an hour or so. Been that way for years, they are very used to it.

Edit Edit: Also, when it's cooler out, I tend to keep them IN more because it's safer for them I feel. It's warmer in the coop AND since there is less food around, they hopefully are less enticing to the hawks we have that live in the area. I figure food gets scarcer in the winter so I better keep them under closer tabs. With no leaves on the bushes etc there are fewer places for them to hide unseen.
What do you mean that they have been caged the past few days? Sudden changes to environment and every day routines can greatly stress chickens out which in turn can cause egg "malfunctions".
What feed have you been feeding? Are they offered oyster shells on the side or are they only offered grit? I'll see if I can find the article, but it lists out different egg issues and possible problems. However, with them all showing signs on the same day I would be leaning towards a feed or an environmental issue/stressor.

Im using producers pride. Been using it for a while I swap between that and purina, depends on what TSC has in supply. They have oyster shell in a dish (and all over the ground, they are NOT neat) there is plenty for them.

Possibly something came by and scared them last night? Could an egg malfunction happen in a day like that from fright?

They also get vitamins, and ACV in their water.

Im using producers pride. Been using it for a while I swap between that and purina, depends on what TSC has in supply. They have oyster shell in a dish (and all over the ground, they are NOT neat) there is plenty for them.

Possibly something came by and scared them last night? Could an egg malfunction happen in a day like that from fright?

They also get vitamins, and ACV in their water.

It is possible that being frightened can cause both mishaped and soft shelled eggs. Otherwise they are all acting normal? No signs of illness?
Everything looks fine, I just pulled a few of them out and gave them a once over. Got the typical ok where's my snack hooman?? and squat down, they look healthy as can be and are acting normal. It'll be dark in very short order so don't want to let them run but ill for sure check tomorrow.

Im using producers pride. Been using it for a while I swap between that and purina, depends on what TSC has in supply. They have oyster shell in a dish (and all over the ground, they are NOT neat) there is plenty for them.

Possibly something came by and scared them last night? Could an egg malfunction happen in a day like that from fright?

They also get vitamins, and ACV in their water.

What type of food? A starter, grower or layer type?

Why do you put ACV in their water?

Do you know that ACV can inhibit their absorption of calcium?
layer food. was not aware acv could mess with calcium. It seems everywhere you go do this NO DONT DO THAT. this is good NO THAT IS NOT GOOD... seen it here that acv was good for them, so use it. 3 gallons of water put a teaspoon full or so in.

fluffle them up means pet her basically, she likes it when i give her a little rub down, take my hands and ruffle her feathers a little bit. just 5 or 6 seconds, she puffs all out then and is happy for the attention.


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