This IS The Week From He**..

I'm really sorry you lost your boy
Sorry again. I know exactly how you feel, I lost Slink on may 21st, and I'm still hurting for him. You did all you could, and he loved you and you loved him. He had a happy life.
This wasnt the same vet practice. His usual vet was an hour away... so i called the closest vet that i knew and trusted. (about 15 minutes away)
And she did ask me if the other vet listened to his heart at the last visit... so yeah, i think she wondering too..
But i dont blame the other vet... i dont think this was something that they could have known would happen... Know what i mean?
We have Daisy here on the bed with us.(chewing on a pigs snout..
..).. i just cant leave her alone up stairs.

I was telling, Gritty, the beds going to be crowded now..
I'm sorry about Toes..

Sadly, we couldnt take his body home with us... its just too frozen and too much snow up here right now to bury a big dog like him safely...
I wish i could have done that though, to help her understand that he was gone.

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