This IS The Week From He**..

Red, I looked for this thread after we talked this morning. Don't know how I missed it.

for you and a
for Daisy. I'm sure she's also lost without her best friend.
I'm sorry about Toes..

Sadly, we couldnt take his body home with us... its just too frozen and too much snow up here right now to bury a big dog like him safely...
I wish i could have done that though, to help her understand that he was gone.

I think animals understand a lot more than we think. Maybe you can tell her and she'll understand.
So sorry you lost your friend.

It's possible he had a heart condition the vet couldn't find. That's what happened with my border collie. Picky eating and weight loss were the only symptoms. We did all sorts of tests and x-rays (for over six months). They all came back normal except for fluid in the chest in the very beginning. Not until the very end did any of the tests come back showing a problem.

Doesn't make it any easier though.

I am soo Sorry for your loss....I could sense and feel the pain in every word you wrote. I have a st. Bernard, King Shepperd mix as I once told you, He is awesome and so loving. Sadly I am a bit concerned now after reading your post. My Tonka barely eats, and its the same with him, he is not at the weight he is supposed to be and he too will eat all the people food and leave the dog food, I too thought he was being picky. He has been tot he vet 2x in the last 3 months, and not to mention the several times last year too because we can't get him to gain weight and they too told me there is nothing wrong that he just might be finicky and that he will eat when he gets hungry. Now I am thinking I should get this boy in to have his heart looked at. I love him to death even though he whines like a mule all day long cause well he can't seem to get enough love.

So I am sorry you are going through this I can only hope the pain will begin to ease in time, and that things will get easier for you. I think I should tell you that you might have saved my dog.

Sending you tons of hugs

I am so sorry you could not bring him home, that would be hard for me. Talk to Daisy about it, she will understand. Laugh when she tries to make you laugh and then let her comfort you when you cry because you are laughing.
Take care of yourself and your DH.

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