This is two question question

I have read it before, I just couldn't tell you where, I can't remember. I've got 'motherly' types, that like to huddle and gush over the babies... but no broodies yet.
I had a thread about my own broody hen a little over a week ago. One of the respondents was jvls1942. He told me he had a broody turkey who mothered some guinea hens but never laid any eggs ever. If it can happen to a turkey, does that mean it can happen to a chicken?
1) it is possible for a bird to go broody before laying an egg - ever?

I have a silkie who was broody before she ever laid an egg. But that is a silkie for ya! My first turken to lay laid one egg and went broody.

2) I have a RIR sitting on a nest, she is 21 weeks, no red comb, just sitting there. Why?

Probably getting close to laying. Her little brain is telling her to sit on the nest. And wait.

Or is is possible she is being picked on by the others and just hiding out?
Debi, I don't know the answer but I also have a similar situation that I am keeping an eye on, my girls were all POL in September, I started getting first eggs in November, and out of 4 the last girl to lay was Rebecca, who has laid maybe 5 eggs and now she is nesting.... daily,and will not move unless I kick her out with her sisters.

I have wondered if she has been having problems with laying, or what but I keep finding her sat on all the days eggs. lol.... bless her and she was the last to start too.

I am making sure she is getting good food, and lots of encouragement to get out there, but will just keep watching.

Such a shame she is wasting her time, no Roo.

We may learn something new yet.

I do not know the answer to going broody before first lay, but mine started laying @ 143 days of age - pretty early for the dead of winter.
I'm gonna vote no to the broody question. The average hatchery stock RIR has had the broody bred out of them. Most never go broody.

They will sit and sleep in a nest if you let them. They don't know its for laying until you teach them. I might would snuggle in and sit/sleep there too.
Interesting. She was in a different box this morning.... I know she isn't getting picked on, these chickens never fight which truly amazes me. I guess she is getting ready to lay, though it is her sister that has the red comb!
Some of my girls started laying @ 19 weeks and I noticed the same thing. So, I put a golfball in the nest and she layed an egg in a few days. I got the golfball idea on here.

Do you want her to lay an egg? Or go broody?

Yeah, do they squat?

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