This is what happens... We have peepers!

I think you're right about that being the air cell. I've seen the same thing with mine, except it is moving in mine.

Aw that’s unfortunate :( when it’s loose like that, they don’t usually hatch, right? Or can they still hatch? Are the moving ones the ones you took out? And that’s weird for the air cell to be there in fresh eggs, right? Maybe my hen is just a weirdo :lau
Aw that’s unfortunate :( when it’s loose like that, they don’t usually hatch, right? Or can they still hatch?
They can still hatch! You need to incubate them upright though, to keep the bubble in the fat end of the egg. By day 18 you can lie the egg down. That's what I did with my 5. They are in an egg carton and I am tilting them back and forth, instead of turning them like the others. :fl
They can still hatch! You need to incubate them upright though, to keep the bubble in the fat end of the egg. By day 18 you can lie the egg down. That's what I did with my 5. They are in an egg carton and I am tilting them back and forth, instead of turning them like the others. :fl

Oh that’s good!! I hope they hatch!! For some reason I was thinking you had tossed a few really questionable ones since there wasn’t room. Didn’t realize you kept them and put them in the egg cartons. I guess rather than putting them all in egg cartons like originally planned, you only put the really bad ones in there and put the rest normally? That is good as I thought you got rid of some ha I should really read more carefully as now that I reread it, it is perfectly clear. :oops:
Oh that’s good!! I hope they hatch!! For some reason I was thinking you had tossed a few really questionable ones since there wasn’t room. Didn’t realize you kept them and put them in the egg cartons. I guess rather than putting them all in egg cartons like originally planned, you only put the really bad ones in there and put the rest normally? That is good as I thought you got rid of some ha I should really read more carefully as now that I reread it, it is perfectly clear. :oops:
Yes, I squeezed an egg carton in there with the flat lying eggs. Which took quite a bit of shuffling!
It's a Brinsea Maxi II eco. It's fair sized, it's just the height inside...

Ohhh okay!! That makes sense!! Yeah, a lot of the brinsea ones are round shaped with the dome lid, right? My incubator that I recently got has a domed lid too but it’s pretty deep so hopefully it won’t be an issue. Although I might not even need the egg carton thing.

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