This is what happens when your not a member of BYC

I hope you emailed them with an invitation to join BYCF and all the awesome benefits of learning how to take care of chickens!
Sounds like they are in full panic mode at the time that was written.
That would suck!

Think I am going to go buy some extra HW cloth....
AW!!! I wasn't expecting carnage..wish I hadn't seen that.

That poor person! They were probably beside themselves when they saw what happened. hope they figure out something better for their chickens.
That is such a sad craigslist ad! I remember a raccoon got to one of our tiny chicks when they were still sleeping in the dog coop nursery (after that night, I moved them to the big coop) - it is a sick feeling.

Mesh, mesh, mesh. They shouldn't even call chicken wire chicken wire - it does no good against predators.

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