This just plain out PEEVES ME OFF!!!RANTTTTT

Attack Chicken

[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Hu
11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Went down to camp atterbury to look for mushrooms today and guess what? I found some ducklings that some SOB dumped in a flooded field/woods.... This just plain out !@#$%^&* pisses me off. The poor things still had fuz on them. My mom stayed at the car to read a book and tried to get them to eat some bread but they weren't interested. We went back in the field and found a dead sibling of the 4 that were up near the parking lot. Well a couple showed up and seen them and rounded them up and took them home. They even found the blanket that was used to carry/dump the ducklings there. Said they had a pond and were really ticked off as well that someone would dump these ducklings there.

UGGHHHH I know it's a happy ending but still makes me wonder HOW MANY OTHERS there are at that place..
They were probably some Easter ducklings and they didnt want them after they got bored with them and threw them out. This world is just horrible!!!

It just disgusts me some cold hearted person could do that to a living animal!
I'm glad you found them!
Man that pisses me off (pardon the french ) I think Im going to put a sign up here in my town saying will take your ducklings or ducks that you dont want tomorrow.. And look bye the river to makes sure that no ones dumped any out by there .. I hope that people wont be doing that and they have the common sense oh Sunshine has ducks and geese lets give ours to her... Man Im glad those ducklings got a good home...
Makes me mad too. 2 of the dogs we have are from being dumped. Last year a co worker told me they dumped chickens got for Easter near a local church. I said why???? I would have taken them. I flew out to the church and looked for them but they were gone. My neighbor contacted the local zoo they get alot of chicks afetr Easter that people drop off for food. Told them she would take chicks. So far she has recieved 2 phone calls from people. I dont know how nice I could be to them. Afraid I would have to give them a lecture on getting animals just to dump them.When my kids were little my DH friend brought them 2 chicks and a duck for Easter. At the time I had no idea how to care for them. That was pre BYC days
The chicks died. The duck made it til we made a pen outside for it. Not good enough our GSD got it. I was so upset that I decided I was going to learn all I could on how to take care of ducks and chicks. Last year decided to start with chickens. My kids are all grown now, so you see how long it took me to feel comfortable in my abilities to properly take care of them.
I'm going tomorrow to check on some other wild babies and will keep an eye out for dumped ducks. Thing is, anything really young won't last a day at the place I'm going to. So many predators, plus cool weather.

Glad you got to save some of them.
we had a swap at our local tsc and i refused to sell my chicks to people who said "look how cute" i sold to one lady that had no idea what she was doing but she was older and had a good heart. i told her to be sure she read up on things. but the kids and young parents who came to me....nope!! sorry not selling to you.

I think people should have to be lectured on how to raise them before getting ducks or chickens from places such as tsc or local feed stores, its terrible what they go through after theyre bought.
The ones that really get me are the local people who hatch and sell ducklings. Even after the buyer kills the ducks, they will turn around and sell more. A friend of mine told me a story about a person he sold ducklings to. Said the guy called him after a few days and said he needed more because they all died. I guess put all those ducklings out by his pond when they were just days old. Of course my 'friend' sold more...he's just in it for the money. I've told him he needs to make sure the people KNOW how to take care of them but he doesn't care. Makes me want to

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