This little girl is mean as SNOT!

Thanks PC for putting the image of a snot nosed silkie in my head. I'm going to be trying to blank out that image for days.

I have 4 Buff silkie chickies, not evil yet.
I'm having a similar problem with one of my girls. My white crested black polish started laying a few weeks ago, but my big Cuckoo Maran hasn't laid yet, but I think that she's about to...doing the squat and her comb is getting bigger and her wattles redder. But all of a sudden, she is mean to the other one, pecking her head and pulling some feathers out, and almost growling at her when her head gets in the way of the food bowl or when they are foraging around the yard for bugs. She is the top hen and they always have been inseparable best friends, but she's just so cranky these days. I'm thinking it's kind of like chicken PMS. I hope when she starts laying, it will stop.

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