This New Strange World { RP! players needed }

Name: Mac
Age: 20
Gender: female
History: doesn't talk about it
Spouse: no one
Kids: none
Crush: none
Personality: nice and really wants to find out why these humans are normal.
Scientist or citizen: scientist
Species: Ani
Pic of them:

Animal: Black Jaguar
Animal pic:


Username: PrettyHorsez

Luke sat in his cell. He sighed and walked around it. He wanted out. It was impossible though.

Annabeth walked into her house. She turned on her TV and watched the news. More humans caught. He wanted to help them escape. But now? She would have to find that out.

Mac held a platter which a ham sandwich, a cup of water, a salad, and an apple. She walked to Luke's cell. " your dinner." She said and gave it to him and walked away.
Ada turned into barn owl form, she flew around the town, she just loved the feeling of cool air flying threw her feathers. She felt like a whole separate person in owl form, in human form she was Adelle, but in owl form, the normal humans had named her Joy, so, apparently she had two names.

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