Those pesty bees...


11 Years
Dec 17, 2012
Texas Hill Country
They're b a-a-a-a ck again, since we've had a few welcome days of less than freezing weather. Today in the 80's here and feral bees are swarming my hanging chicken feeders. I changed the feeders out for wet chicken mash dishes and plan to hang a couple of open sugar water feeders away from the chicken domain in hopes of re-directing these pollinators. Happens every year in the time frame between "winter" and when native perennial plants start blooming again.
No plans whatsoever to start beekeeping--too high maintenance! I found one hole in an old live oak tree a few years ago that bees had inhabited, so I'm sure they've got their headquarters somewhere. We always leave snags standing for the wildlife to use. The bees are just a PITA, since my hens are a bit put off by all the bees in their feeders. Hope my cenizo starts blooming soon to take care of their pollen needs....
It's not that hard, my grandparents captured a swarm for their orchard, added bee hives every year and only took enough honey so that they didn't have to feed the bees. Then they would give hives away if they had too many. 💕

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