Thought I would share...Hayden with his chickens!

Ok, I had to make a pit atop at home for more blankets and such, so I thought while I was here I would give a little more details on how things went.

First off, thank you guys SO much, He is just adorable and the spitting image of his daddy.....who by the way is just in love with his little man!!

Ok, so, we got up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready, got to the hospital at 5:30, got registered and settled in our room by 6:30. I had already started contractions on my own, so they decided to let those go awhile before starting the pitocin.
Doctor came in around 8am and broke my water and they started the pitocin around 8:30.
They told me I could have the epidural whenever I wanted to after my water was broke, but I decided to wait until my contractions got stronger so the epidural wouldn't hurt so bad, LOL.
I got it around, 12:30 I guess, I'm lost track of time.
It worked fairly well except I could still feel everything in my belly, so they decided to adjust it....This is when things got bad...
The anesthesiologist pulled the catheter back a little bit and I could feel tingling in my face and my ears started to ring....this is about all I remember of that, David had to tell me the rest.
I was out in seconds and the anesthesiologist was yelling my name and slapping my face and nothing, then he asked everyone to leave the room, once they got me to come around they took the epidural out and put in a new one up higher, it worked for a few hours, i felt ZERO pain...or so i'm told, i don't remember....LOL.
but when it wore off, I remember that, I was in pain for about an hour before they could get back in and fix it, at this point, i could hear chatter amongst everyone in the room....who was afraid to make eye contact with me at this point as I was CLEARLY in pain!
They were talking about.. "how long you think? another hour" and I looked over and said..."I don't think sooooo! GO GET SOMEONE, i can feel him crowning!"
I pushed thru 4 contractions and he was out!

Now, It took him forever to drop into the right position, his head was sideways the whole time,they said when he did finally get into position, he was born so fast he had fluid in his lungs still...and is still spitting it up ALOT...hence me coming for more blankets and burp rags today, LOL.

We are both doing fine now, with the exception of him gagging and spitting up fluid now and then, and my back is KILLING me, and I'm still a bit out of it!
David has to keep telling me about what happened after the incident with the first epidural, cos I really dont recall much after that.

Daddy is doing great too, when I finally got to go home and we got some alone time, he was all hands on deck! Holding him, feeding him, burping him, and he even helped with his bath!! I was amazed but i'm so happy!!

Here's Daddy feeding his little man.
Oh My he's just precious. Congratulations on the new addition to the family. I was up at the hospital Wed. I wanted to pop in on you but didn't think you seeing a total stranger would be the best of ideas, lol. Enjoy that perfect bundle of joy

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