Thought it might be fun to hatch an emu egg


13 Years
May 3, 2010
Elgin, TX
So I got a wild hair and bought an emu egg on e-bay. The price was right, only $10 plus 12 dollars shipping (they were selling it as a craft egg because they said they didn't know if it was fertile, so I figured I would give it a try). I read up on here before I got it what to do for the temp. and humidity. So now I am 9 days in. I hope it hatches!
So I got a wild hair and bought an emu egg on e-bay. The price was right, only $10 plus 12 dollars shipping (they were selling it as a craft egg because they said they didn't know if it was fertile, so I figured I would give it a try). I read up on here before I got it what to do for the temp. and humidity. So now I am 9 days in. I hope it hatches!

are you keeping track of the weight?
I would love to get a deal like that
I really hope it hatches. I also thought it would be neat for the kids to see an emu egg in person. My 8 year old daughter said it looks like a dinousor egg. The person I bought it from said it was fresh, just not sure if it was fertile. The box it came in was a bit banged up, but it was packed well so I hope it didn't damage it. I figured if it isn't fertile and doesn't hatch I could blow it out and sell it locally as a craft egg, then I could get back what I paid for it minus the shipping. I has been fun so far. I have hatched lots of chicken eggs and a few quail eggs, so I hope I can add emu to my list of succesful hatches.
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Looks like a Dinosaur egg because it is. Dinosauria was recently restructured, and in doing so Neornithes were included as descendant. On top of that, when you examine Maniraptoran Dinosaurs ('Raptors' and the like) and compare them with Ratites, they are virtually 1:1, morphologically different but mechanically identical even down to the soft tissue and feathers.

That was part of what made me want to hatch some Emus though.

I do 3D animation and one of the projects I'm working on is with Dinosaurs and while looking for reference videos on getting them to move in a believable way and I came across some video of someone's pet Emu and thought "Oh, that would be fun to have around."

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