Thought it was time I introduced myself!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 17, 2012
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
Hi I am Val from Dorset, England and I've been a member for a couple of months but I've been struggling with my hens. This is a brilliant site so I've been looking through for all sorts of information to help me - it seems easier to identify with others having the same problems and I can never find what I need in the books! I have 5 hens now, 1 black rock, 1 white star, 1 speckledy, 1 warren, and 1 bluebelle. My latest problem is with Rita the speckeldy. She has been mopey for about a week with watery pooh but eating especially her favourite probiotic yogurt. She only started laying 4 weeks ago but hasn't laid for about 2 weeks now. I thought it was the cold weather or starting to moult - there have been a lot of her feathers in the coop this week. Yesterday when I let them out to range she stumbled out and couldn't walk without losing her balance. I've kept her on her own in the run because the others pecked her when she fell over. Same today so I've given her growers pellets for protein mixed with probiotic yogurt, vit E and crushed vit B complex. After looking through the threads I'm worried it could be Mareks she is about 6months old or could it be the moult? Any suggestions would be appreciated she is a lovely hen my favouite actually.
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Hello and welcome to BYC
She is a bit young to be molting already. If she's losing feathers it could be a mite problem, but to be sure repost your question in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures section. Hope it's nothing serious that's wrong with her!

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