Thought something was wrong. Maybe just cuddly?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
Trying one more post on our new gal. Got her yesterday. We thought she was kind of lethargic and maybe not feeling well but today she's eating and drinking and alert but not really active. She will walk over to the nearest human and snuggle up. Last night she nestled into dd and laid an egg. This is weird right? She's about 8 months. Get the impression she's been with other birds her whole life. Is it jus an individual temperament thing or maybe something with the way she was raised?! Idk what to think. She's sweet as pie but I'm kinda nervous when were ready to integrate her she will get picked on because she doesn't really seem interested in or aware of what's going on around her.

Read some threads on cuddly chickens but not sure any reminded me of her behavior. She doesn't run around (more like an eeyore mosey), doesn't scratch or peck for bugs even though she's eating her food and she does appear to sleep more than normal. Possible she's just low activity or is she likely sick? How do we find out for sure?? Thanks for any suggestions!
Until she started showing more obvious symptoms, there's no was to be sure - but I would assume she's sick, and keep her away from your flock for a while. Though the fact that she laid an egg makes me think she's not ill and it's just her personality.
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Laying is a good sign. Only 1 of mine has ever layed an egg in my lap though!! Cuddles is her name. Yes, a total cuddle monger.

Your little girl might just need time to adjust to her new surroundings. I would give her vitamins and extra protein....mine love scrambled eggs, salmon and tuna fish. Keep her quarantined.
Thanks for the reassurance. Definitely planning to keep her separate and ill keep an eye on her. We just keep laying there with her thinking this chicken can't be real life! Lol

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