Thoughts on eggs

When we kept chickens in an unfenced yard our neighbor discovered that 2 of our hens had taken over her doghouse for a nest box. There were well over a dozen eggs, so at least a week's worth, and it was the hottest part of an East Texas summer. All the eggs were still good.
When my eggs are on the grubby side, especially during the winter when the girls have mud on their feet, I wash and refrigerate. I sell most of my eggs and folks dont want dirty eggs. In the summer when the eggs are clean, I keep them on the counter and they would stay there for a good month or more if they didnt get sold or eaten. New Zealand stores sell their eggs on the shelf with the rest of the unrefrigerated although I didn't ever check the 'sell by' date.

I think all you experimenters and scientists and questioners of all kinds have great lives. Curiosity loves to have someone ask the question.... I love being on the receiving end of all the information gathered. Thanks for doing that!

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